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Monday, August 15, 2005

A Trivia Challenge

As we count down the final days before departure, it is time to test your Oktoberfest Logo knowledge. This is the first in a series of "Name That Logo Year"! ! !

The Grand Oktoberfestian will publish a picture of a logo, and the first to identify the year of that logo gets a point. The highest point total prior to departure will win. Don't ask what the prize will be, it has yet to be determined. But be assured will certainly be related in one way, shape or form to beer. Some of the logos are from years we have attended (ah, who saved their mug?), and others will not.
Disclaimer.... the logos are small, and the words not very readable on some. This is 1) good so you cannot read the year and 2) good since they all say the same, it is really the logo that is different.

So, let the challenge begin. Name the year of this logo....


BarleyMan said...

1993. great Year, my first.

Chugger said...

We have a winner !!

Congrats to BarleyMan.... however, that was an easy one in celebration of our first trip.

We'll make the next one more difficult.

BarleyMan said...

Bring it on baby.....

And don't ry to fool me with the Swastika.... 1945!