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Monday, August 29, 2005

Time Is Approaching

Well fellow Oktoberfestians, that side show of political discourse was fun, refreshing, and even a bit disheartening. However, we can pursue further discussions in person, back to the topic of bier ! ! !

As I pen this (electronically speaking, of course), it is now less than 30 days until the first arrivals in Munchen. Who would have thought back in January that the day would be so close. Plans are unfolding, a Munich Training Day was had, and most day trips seem to be agreed to. What more could we ask for?

With regards to day trips, the trip to Kloster Weltenburg will certainly be unique in our travels... all these people... a charterd bus... almost like a real tour. If you haven't responded yet to my email about going on Saturday instead of Sunday, please let me know.

While this event almost seems to be over-planned, I look forward to the ad hoc "screw it, let's go here" attitude. Maybe we can plan something, and the original '93 Oktoberfestians can just sit back, relax and have a brew!

1 comment:

BarleyMan said...

So Chugger,

Are you going to wear a funny hat with American and Dutch flags stuck in the top?

After all, you are our tour guide. ;-)