OK, we are booked! Here is our arrival and departure information:
Arrive Munich Thursday, September 22, 2011 at 9:05 AM
Depart Munich Monday September 26, 2011 at 11:35 AM
Based on this, we can make arrangements to meet up with those already in Munich.
It really seems like such a shame to travel so far for such a short time. But, it's all we can spare from school and it's really something we are looking forward to. We will just have to make the best of our short time there.
Really, looking forward to it.
Congrats der Kubaner !
While it is a short time, a lot of good times can be had. We usually arrive on Friday and leave on Tuesday, so the same number of days.
You are welcome to join us and tag along when you feel like it. Our first "event" after arrival on Friday is to meet at the Hofbrauhaus. We arrive by train at 14:30, and hopefuly are at the Hofbrauhaus no later than 16:00.
Keep your eyes on the blog, activity should be picking up.
Prost !
I believe we have the same flight. Lufthansa flight 414 and 415...
Betrunken - We leave Dulles on Lufthansa #415 at 6:45 PM and arrive in Munich, Franz Josef Strauss, at 9:05 AM. Is that your flight? I don't have any information about flight #414.
Hey guys...I'm going this year and have decided to use hotelplanner.com because I'm going with a bunch of friends from college. I used hotelplanner years ago for a wedding and everyone saves a sh*tload...more for beer!
Just thought that, since you're offering flight advice, I'd offer some hotel advice.
That's our flight.. We live just about 1.5 hrs away from Dullis down in Southern Maryland. Most of people going in our group work at Patuxent River NAS. Just a guys trip, nine guys in all. And you can believe we will be paying for it when we get back...
I hope you guys have a wonderful flight over together. Lots of good bonding time, and save some bier for us when you get there.
Let the countdown continue.
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