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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oktoberfest - Bringing People Together

No matter what your position or views on topics, Oktoberfest has a way of bringing people together.  Whether you are conservative or liberal, capitalist or socialist, god-fearing or atheist, there is always common ground when at the Wiesn.  Here are just a few examples of conversations we tend to hear, please add additional ones that you may remember hearing:

"What do you think of ObamaCare?"
Liberal: "It has been proven that drinking high quality bier as produced here in München leads to a higher quality of life, and will actually reduce the need for healthcare."
Conservative: "I agree, can I buy you another Maß?"

"Should abortion be legalized?"
Conservative:  "I believe everyone is entitled to choice, do you prefer a Helles or a Dunkel?"
Liberal: "I'll have what your having, as long as it is fresh."

"With today's fiscal crisis, do you believe there should be drastic spending cuts?"
Liberal: "Excessive spending does lead to catastrophic consequences.  I am so glad the breweries have held the line on prices.  We are entitled to good bier at affordable prices."
Conservative: "I don't know about the 'entitled' part, but I'm sure glad we are here together to enjoy it.  Should we have another Maß?"

"Food and other commodity prices have beeen skyrocketing lately, what do you think?"
Conservative: "Maybe we should only have one Doner tonight."
Liberal: "Well, if we have our first at 23:30, by the time we are finished it will be tomorrow, and we can have another one."
Conservative: "I agree, and let's also have a Maß with the one tomorrow."

"What is your favorite tent song, Let It Be or Take Me Home Country Roads?"
Liberal / Conservative: Who The Fuck is Alice !  !???? ! ! ! !


Barbus said...

Is it raining in Dayton?

BarleyMan said...

I thought for a minute you had violated rule 14.2a, no political discussions on the blog. But it seems balanced and complimentary to all parties, so I guess it is ok.

Had a Spaten Oktoberfest bier in my Andechs glass last night. Happy!

Chugger said...

I am fully aware of Rule 14.2a. While the questions may be construed as political, Rule 9.3b allows for "postings with the potential for double meaning will be permitted, assuming the end result is bier or other Oktoberfest activity related".

I believe the discussion items meet the requirement of this rule.