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Monday, July 06, 2009

New Waste Management Regulation in Munchen

Consumers at Oktoberfest, all of drink and eat volumes of Food and Drinks at some time or other around the Tents. Examples include Beer, Wine, Kebap, Wurst or Kartoffel salad. When discarded in the trash, the residual materials in the Pissoirs may seem insignificant to an individual; however, when multiplied by the number of visitors at the a Wiesen, it becomes an environmental problem that needs to be addressed.

In Munchen, the Hazardous Waste Management Rules are administered by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). Munchen's rules are a refinement of the minimum standards established by the Germany Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and were tailored to best protect our natural resources. Among these protections are stringent licensing requirements for Public Pissoirs.

A.o. these rules include that a consumer has to make a decision for the right Pissoir and only can drink or eat one sort per round.

With these new federal rules the hazardous component of the waste stream can be dramatically reduced, resulting in improved environmental quality at the Wiesen.

1 comment:

BarleyMan said...

They don't have a place for Hendl? We seriously need a place for Hendl... and Schweinhaxen.