Nonetheless, it is time to get back to the business of bier, pork fat, and all around joviality for this trip. As of this posting, we have approximately 35 days and 17 hours and 44 minutes until Oktoberfest begins, and as Grand Puhba I make the following proclamations:
1. Come forth and post (or is it Prosit?)
2. Please limit the negativity in the posts. This trip is about fun and camaraderie, we do not need the harsh reality of life to dampen our spirits (i.e. BarleyMan's withdrawal, the Dollar to Euro ratio).
3. While BarleyMan recently posted about the need for an anthem (and no one, myself included, responded), maybe we need a theme instead. While themes have in the past been assigned based upon some unique characteristic of the trip (see BarleyMan's account here), maybe we should proactively set this year's theme.

Recognizing the attention span of Oktoberfestians, I will limit this posting to just these proclamations. More to follow as the event approaches.
To quote and honor the Grand Puhba Emeritas, I too leave you with this directive...
Go with Prosit ! !
I think the theme of the trip should be...... breasts.
Yes, that is correct. Take as many photos of breats and email them to me.
Good idea Chugger... ;-)
you mean like these?
Just like those ! !
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