That's right, I have procured the 1st Edition and the 3rd Edition to go with my existing 2nd, 4th and 5th Editions.
Here they are...

You may say, "heh Chugger, those two on the left look the same"; and they do. They are different, however, as shown by the inside covers and some of the text. The 2nd Edition is really a revised 1st Edition, and I don't think at the time that Field Führer Larry believed there would be a 3rd, 4th or 5th Edition. And now I hear there will be a 6th ! ! ! He even said so much to me in an email...
"I should have kept more aside, but then again, who knew there would ever be a second, third or even a sixth edition (next spring)."
Here is a peek at the inside of the first two "editions" to show the difference:

1 comment:
You are in serious need of professional help. ;-)
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