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Sunday, June 19, 2005

Woman and Beer

From ancient Egypt up to the medieval home breweries, the course followed by this drink is directly linked with companionship. Woman was considered the muse of beer, from ancient times till today. Since its discovery in a prehistoric cave, beer is nothing but a mixture of barley and water, forgotten by a woman overnight, after a tiring day of harvesting. It is consumed by the man-hunter in the morning and it pleases him so much that it takes the place of water. Beer, with a great tradition in Babylonia as in Egypt, is the legacy of Tsabitus, the heads of the houses that offered pleasure. In the Vikings, the priestesses of Thor processed it in huge boilers for the production of the youth elixir, which was then offered to the warriors by the Valkyries, loved by Wotan as well as Odin.

In the Middle Ages woman perpetuates the tradition by including the preparation of beer in her everyday chores, as in Alsace where we talk about "Hausbrauerei" (Brewery at home).

In the beginning of beer production, woman created an eternal drink which is honored by the brewers of France in the ode that follows and is titled:

"The spirit of beer seduces women"

Women with tradition,
women of shade,
women of light,
legendary women,
servants and priestesses,
fertile women,
lovers of life's cycle
women brewers,
possessors of the secrets of hops and barley,
shy women,
women with passion,
from ancient times up to the present live,
women of today,
irresistible and alleviating,
reconciled with life…

Who else aside from woman can understand better than anyone the graces of the most feminine drink. Using the basic advantage which is its femininity, beer reveals the treasures of its seduction which are hidden inside. Of course, beer is comprised of cereals and yeast, a source of vitamins, minerals and with few calories. Revitalizing, it foams in the eyes of women who desire even more their participation in its production as well as its consumption.

1 comment:

BarleyMan said...

Touche barbus. Nice.