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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Paging der Kubaner ! ! ! !

der Kubaner.....

It's been 5 months since you posted to the blog.  Are you still going to Oktoberfest? You were the first person to post to our blog who was not a member of our core Oktoberfestian team.  Since then, Betrunken and Alkoholische have become solid members of the blog.

Inquiring minds want to know.."Gehen Sie zu Oktoberfest?"


der Kubaner said...

YES, YES, YES!! We are still in. Have been grossly busy with mounds of work piling up. As I take things in order of importance, keeping up with this blog, unfortunately, keeps getting pushed to the back burner. I will post something in the main page now.

Chugger said...

Excellent !