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Friday, April 08, 2005

Two "Trial Runs" Before Munich

As if I need to practice, but I will have two opportunities within the next 6 weeks to hone my Hofbrauhaus skills. During the first week of May, the 1st through the 6th, I will be in Las Vegas along with Barleyman for an industry trade show. For those of you who are not aware, there is a Hofbrauhaus "franchise" in Vegas. This place is built to the same scale and decorations as the original in Munich, and serves the same beer and food. I was actually able to attend the official grand opening of this fine facility last January, and even got my meal and beer paid for by the management. I just showed them my Beer Drinker's Guide to Munich Field Researcher's membership card, told them I was doing official research for the next book, and voila, free stuff ! ! !! Thanks to Larry for such a wonderful idea.

A few weeks later, on May 22nd through the 25th, I will be in Munich. The great experience this time is that my hotel is directly across the street from the Hofbrauhaus... I wonder if they are open for breakfast ! ! ! Hopefully between these two training sessions, I will be back in shape for the grand excursion this fall.

1 comment:

BarleyMan said...


We expect "real time" reporting on this visit. Of course I will be there to supervise. ;-)

I am anxious to see how "real' it is and if they stay true to the HBH venue, or if they will ONLY play polka music. I prefer the odd mix we here in Munich.

Speaking of Munich, I just had a fantastic 2003 Auslese from our friends at J.J. Prum. 2003 was a great year for the high quality German whites (Auslese, Berenauslese, and Trockenberenauslese.)