I realize today was designated "A Day of Rest" however I find it necessary for some one to obligue me. Usually the only thing that puccers on Sunday is my deriea when the collection plate is passed around, however today I will pucker my lips in order to obtain some information on "Homely Hugo aka Speedy-Civic. I need Homely"s name. I assume Jack Lynch is really John, but Homely, who knows. If you would please provide me with "the real Speedy-Civic's" name it would be appreciated. Why you ask? So we can cancel his reservation unless he posts before trying to depart from Philadelphia. Actually it's a secret.
I never thought of that, but we should also think of some devious thing for the two lady companions traveling under the disguised names Dell and Sam actually Della and Samantha. Have a great day. Go Bucks! Go Browns! Go Indians!
Well Grumpy, there is Einfahrt, also known to you as a Lynch; there is Jack, offspring of Einfahrt, there is sister of Einfahrt aka Jane, there is Einfahrt's wife (known in-house as boss,) and there is Speedy_Civic - college and columbus friend of Jack, whose nickname is Mac in the real world. The Jac/Mac pair are twenty-somethings whose world is a bit different than ours. While I believe they may occasionally check the blog for news that may affect them, they are not particularly engaged in the discussions here. They are excited about the trip, and are willing to use us as guides, but still have the twenty-something finding of their own way thing going. You'll meet in Philly. Treat it as a cross-generational ambassadorial experience.
It is John..... Homely Hugo is ????
But THE BROWNS WON ! ! ! ! !
Jack is going to email you with real names - as you might guess we don't use real names here.
I assume your email is somewhere around here for him to find.
Grumpy.... you worry me.... hehehehe
Barleyman; If I understand it, Grumpy and Bonnie are going to "improve" Jac/Mac's flights over the pond. Real names needed for such chicanery.
My name is Dave. ;-)
My name is Joyce :>)
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