Sorry for the poor picture. I know it is not up to BarleyMan standards, but it was taken with my cell phone.

Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
My last 3 beers were:
Paulaner Oktoberfest.. not as fresh as what we will have on Thursday..but good.
Belhaven Scotch ale. Not as much "peat" as others, but nice and rich.
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale: The gold standard, as far as I am concerned.
"Sierra Nevada Pale Ale: The gold standard, as far as I am concerned."
Agreed for a Pale Ale; especially since Goldings Retriever is no longer available.
Oh gosh I'm so envious of you guys! Looks like a blast and I wish I could be there. ;-)
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