Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Is It Time....
Maybe a small intimate group of say 5-6 Oktoberfestians this time.
2006: September 16 - October 3 (extended 2 days for Holiday)
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Oktoberfest 2005 Photo CD About Ready ! !
I have been gathering all digital photos that were taken during the trip. If you would like to receive a CD with everything on it, please send me an email with your address, and I will send you one. If you have some photos you would like included, let me know that as well. I will provide you with the information on how to FTP your photos to me.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Gas Prices
The recent price (in Euros) for a liter of regular gas in Paris. 152.5 for premium.
That's about $5.40 per gallon. We're currently averaging $2.80 a gallon. That is almost as high as the (inflation-adjusted) prices of 1988-1990. However, about 70% of Europe's price is because of tax, while only about 27% of ours is tax. Their non-taxed cost is $1.70; ours 2.04.
My take, the prices are higher than we are used to, but still not as high as the 1973 oil crisis, and not as high as Europe's prices. There will be some leveling of prices as the supply gets rebalanced, but will remain high.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Some nice Beer blogs (you probably already know this one) (a global and very educational one) (even more interesting)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Picture Contest: The Honeymooners
The Plague
Bonnie went directly to work and I arrived home yesterday. Since I am the only one not gainfully employed, I will get the pictures gathered together and probably just forward individual CD's.
I do find it interesting that you were able to find the worst pictures of me and post them on the site. What about the good ones.
I would also like to mention that now that Paulaner Girl has released the monster within my wonderful wife, she was able to meet six men in Paris who live in Miami, Florida and make frequent flights to Africa and Columbia carrying cargo. What kind? Who knows. They have convinced her they need a Flight Attendent and she is contemplating a career change.
And Jim DEll you had to show her how to find the hotel! I thought she was lost forever in Munich!!
Cheers To All! Grumpy!
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Piezoelectric Micro-Cantilever Bio-Sensor Using the Mass-Micro-Balancing Technique with Self-Excitation
Monday, October 10, 2005
Red Oktober fest

Hmm. The Premier of Bavaria (Stoiber) welcoming the Premier of China (Wen Jiabao) to Munich. New Oktoberfest planned in Qingdao, China. Qingdao is 'sister' (is that comradess?) -city to Munich, was the host city for a German colony during the Opium War years, and is the home of Tsing Tao beer. Barleyman with agent. Coincidence?
Next trip China?
Party recruitment on the rise

As further documentation comes in, it seems others of our party have been recruited.
I believe it is all a plot to get us to participate in next year's event in Beijing. Chugger should launch a Committee on Subversive Activities investigation...
Beijing's Crowne Plaza Starts Oktoberfest Sep 23, 2005
The Second Oktoberfest at Crowne Plaza Park View Wuzhou Beijing started on September 21, 2005. More than 400 guests enjoyed the fun night with a sumptuous buffet, Bavarian performances, interesting games, and exciting lucky draws.
A Sad Day
Defense Exhibit A
In Our Defense
After a long day of 'festing, cognizant of the long journey home the next day, and still recovering from the Oktoberfest plague of '05, we two intrepid explorers nevertheless set out that night in search of adventure and excitement, or, to be more specific, to hit on hot european chicks. However, on arriving at Shakespeare's, we were greeted with the following vista...
Nothing. A wasteland devoid of anything resembling feminine life. Still, we ordered our beers and sat down, resolved to pace ourselves and wait for things to pick up - at which point the bartender recognized us and brought us complimentary Jager shots. Things were going downhill, and picking up speed quickly. Despairing of being joined by any other members of the expedition (from whom we had received at best luke-warm assurances that they would follow), and fearful of additional "complimentary" shots of cough-syrup, we left (after ~45 min.) in search of the Nacht Cafe, a reputed (via Richard) paradise for those in search of adventure and excitement (as defined supra). We undertook this perilous (and, ultimately, unsuccessful) quest, braving the harsh Munich elements in our already fest-and disease-weakened states, solely for the good of the group, so that future expeditions would have an alternative when Shakespeare's turned out, as on that night, to be a bust (or, more accurately, to lack them).
So, what is our reward for selflessly risking our own lives for the benefit of future Oktoberfest expeditions? Heinous allegations and despicable accusations from one we had shared bier with just hours before. I ask you, Barleyman, if that is your real name, have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you no sense of deceny?
In closing, Cheers, Big Ears'.
The defense rests.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Blog competition
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Visits to Oktoberfest - A World Class Event
Visits to Oktoberfest - A World Class Event: "le to consume the golden nectar at the Hofbrauhaus"
posted by oktoberfest munich at 2:15 AM 1 comments
...... and the comment......................
"Visits to Oktoberfest - A World Class Event"
1 Comment -
Show Original Post
Need a Hotel for Ocktoberfest said...
where are the cheap ocktoberfest hotels located ? I need a place to stay or maybe i'll find me a hot german to sleep with
1:52 AM
And another:
This one you can read the experience of the Teufelsrad.
Jane, Gemma and I had the pleasure to visit.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
My Last Will and Testament
It is with heavy heart that I must announce that I think I am going to die of this plague I picked up in Munich. I guess it's fairly appropriate that some germ I caught while drinking kills me. Anyway, I would like to leave you all with some remebrances of me....Like who could forget me anyway?
To Jack (you're first because I am convinced I caught the plague from you) I leave a bottle of Jaegermeister....remember friends don't let friends drink this crap.
To Barleyman (my husband) I leave......the kids....Ha, serves you right!!!!
To Mac (AKA speedy civic) I leave my degrees and all the accompanying letters that go after my name. My office is your office, but remember my job is not as exciting as it sounds.
To Designated Walker I leave my love for German beer...makes Oktoberfest much more fun!
To Chugger I leave my cats, since you seem to love herding them so much.
To Einfart I leave all my Micheal Moore books and films, I'm sure you'll enjoy them.
To Candy I leave all my Conde Nast magazines and travel books to help you go all those places on your list.
To Jane I leave my Ann Coulter voodoo doll, have fun with it!
To Barbus and Schlumberger Lady I leave a bottle of Dom Perignon and 2 beer steins to drink it with.
To Grumpy I leave your own set of leiderhosen, I think you will look wunderval in them!
To Bonnie I leave the Italians, the Aussies, the Austrians, etc, and my lecherous heart.
To Ludwig II and Agnes I leave my dictionary of American slang, with an emphasis on California....whatever!
To Sam I leave my dancing shoes.
To Jim I leave a case of Miller Lite.
If I do die, please sprinkle my ashes over the Paulaner tent at the next Oktoberfest, and raise a mug to me while the band plays "Alice"...Ein Prosit!!!!
Dachau Lady

The afternoon we spent in Dachau was an adventure. First, the ZieglerKeller was closed for unknown reasons. :-( Second, it was raining. So we camped out in a Hotel Restaurant and had a great time drinking and eating, waiting for the various groups to show up.
After a while, Grumpy went on a mission to find another drinking establishment. Needless to say, we ended up at a really quaint Irish Bar. In hindsight, it really reminded me of the Cantina from Star Wars. What a collection of characters!
The best being the proprietor, whose head was almost shaved, except for a ring around her face (facing away from the camera above). She also wanted to learn English. We oblidged. All went well in our cultural immersion until Grumpy asked her to join us, which she interpreted to be a solicitation for prostitution, and then he took her lighter and a glass from the bar. (Don't worry folks he was innocent).
For those of you who missed this adventure... her you go. Note the skull on the table. Ahhh Dachau!
Warning...not for export...whoops.
Friday, October 07, 2005
Wheat Bier Und Eggs

A rainy day. The bus drops us off at the top of the hill across the river (s) from Kelheim. The monument was built in the mid-1860s to commemorate the defeat of Napoleon. The statues number eighteen - one for each germanic tribe. There are 165 steps up a narrow circular staircase to the first external balcony; 38 more to the second.

The view from the top is, well, wet: but stunning.
The snapshot

Well, I agree with the various declarations of good times had at the recent 'fest. Chugger's Good, Bad, and Ugly provides one way to capture some of the reactions. I suggest another might be to nominate, second, and vote on "the snapshot."
My entry is here; although I haven't quite made it through all of the 200+ photos on our two cameras - so I reserve the right to a second entry.
Anyone can play: post one (or more) of your favorites; enter a suggested caption for any of the entries; and when the time comes - vote on your top three favorites. Let the entries begin!
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Hey Baby
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
When I saw you walking down the street.
I sad that she's the kind of girl
I like to me.
She is so pretty look she's fine.
I'm gonna make her my oh my.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
When you turn and walk away
that's where I wand to say come on a baby
give me a world I wana know I wana know.
When you turn and walk away
that's where I wand to say come on a baby
give me a world I wana know if you be my girl.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
Hey hey baby (hu ha).
I wanna know if you be my girl.
repeat (42X)
Chugger, You have a job to do
Back in the real world
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Oktoberfest 2005 - The Bad ! !
Herding Cats - Coordinating a group of 17 is rough
Another 2 year wait to do it again
Several closed Bier Gardens…
- Waldwirtschaft Großhesselohe
- Zieglerkeller (Bräustüberl) Dachau
Final weekend crowds
Oktoberfest 2005 - The Good ! !
No casualties; except for Chugger's voice
The bus trip to Kelheim and boat to Weltenburg
Getting to a tent at 8:10AM and getting a table when they open is definitely another must do
A wonderful dinner in our own PRIVATE BUILDING at the Isartal Bahnhof
Nice to see virgins get indoctrinated
Late night Gyros
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Ohio Contingent is home!
Kudos to everyone, especially the newbies. A good time was had by all, and it appears the same number that left for Munich arrived from Munich; but only time will tell about the newlyweds and Grumpy.
Overall reviews, critiques and lessons learned to follow.
Time flies when you're having fun !!!!!!!
From Schlumberger Lady & Barbus
Made is back

Far to short, but with some very good memories, made it back. When getting to the airport in Dusseldorf I had no clue where the car was parked. Agnes was no help either. Sure, we were suffering from a "temporary" stage of Korsakov. By the time I forget what car I have I'll start worrying.
It was great to be with you all, and our only regret is that it was far to short.
have a pleasant and save journey back home. Don't wear your October attributes to work and don't even try to explain to any non-October what it was like.
Have I seen the singer before?
Ludwig II,5
Chugger, Penalty Round Please

After a day at the Weis'n, a fine dinner at Augustiner Keller, and a glass of wine back at the hotel, Paulaner Girl and I decided to head out to meet Speedy and Jack at Shakespeare. As they begged us to do.
While Einfahrt could not make it, we trudged through the rain, to help Speedy meet the girl of his dreams.
When we got there..... No Speedy or Jack.
Penalty round, please.
The manager at the bar was disappointed as well.
Final day at Oktoberfest

We started for the grounds at 7:45. By 8:10 we we in line to get into a tent. By 9:05 we were drink a beer. Breakfast? Salami sandwich, of course.
We ended up getting 2 tables to accomodate everyone, and it gave us enough room to switch around, and dance on the seats when the music started at noon. We left the Weis'n at 6:30, 9 1/2 hours after we began. A new record.
Here's a photo of Grumpy, in his full regalia.
Great time had by all, good friends, food, music, and of course, beer.
See everyone in 2007.
Don't blame us!!!!
Some 6 million litres of beer -- enough to fill around six Olympic-sized swimming pools -- were downed by the 6.1 million visitors to the festival in the Bavarian capital. That was about 100,000 litres below the 6.1 million litres in 2004.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Day 4 photo

Kudos for Einfahrt and beating me to the post for Day 4. Weltenburg Klosterbrauierai was founded in 1050 AD and is the oldest Monsatic brewery in the world.
Here's a photo of the monastery, which sits on the banks for the very fast moving river (Donau).
Tomorrow... we hit the tents at W'eisen early to try and get a table.
Rainy all day. We went to Kelheim, via an arranged bus. Herding 17 cats into a bus at 8:00 AM is very diffucult. 13 here, somebody need coffee, 15 here somebody need tylenol, 14 here somebody need to go to the bathroom. Arrgh!
Eventually we got on the arranged 18 passenger bus. We got a surprise gift (um.). A tour guide that had some ideas about our schedule. We took about an hour twenty to get to Kelheim. We took an unexpected tour of the monument to the defeat of the French in 1813-1814 (Wellington, the Deutsch, und the Russians.) We went to the monument, up the many stairs, and saw the wonderful view of the lower valleys und the Donau. Then we went to the city of Kelheim and got a tour of the inner city. Walking, leaving some behind in the bus, we saw the four towers, the place where the very first Weiss Bier was brewed and is still in operation, and the place where King Ludwig I was killed, which caused the transfer of the capitol to Munich. (skipping for others to fill in details) Then Weltenburg, great ride back to Munich (involving bier) und a dinner suprise for my Birthday. All-in-all, a great day, even though it never stopped raining.
Enough for now. More later.
Day 3 Round up

We ended up hitting the Oktoberfest grounds first thing in the morning. Much to our chagrin, all the tents were full and we could not get a seat. We ended up at the Hippodrom and sat outside next to some folks from Michigan. Many rousing renditions of the Michigan fight song! Go Blue. We then went to Dachau, where some of us went to the camp, the rest sat in the Gasthaus and had some beer. The Ziegler Keller was closed, for some unknown reason, but the local proprietor was helpful and set us up nicely. It's really hard to find a table for 17.
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Great to see each other, and much time spent catching up with each others stories - over beer und food of course. Some place, like the tents at Weisn (Oktoberfest grounds) are to loud to do much catching up, so are better to enjoy with singing and clapping, and a beer.
Weather has really worked out so far. Light drizzle the first day, but a fine day yesterday. Jane headed off to Salzburg, saw the Eagle's Nest and got snowed on. Sam and Jim trained up to Wurzberg, rented a car and went to the old Dell family town. For others, HofBrauHaus, and an attempt at Wa-Wi - a very large bier garden in the suburbs of Munich.
We took the trip out there, walked in the fine eveniing. Got there and the grounds were closed, the restaurant fully reserved for a group! Very ticked! Take away one mug of their rating!!
Off for now.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Day 1
Hello from Munchen ! ! !
Anyway, we had beer, then headed to the Hofbrauhaus. After more beer and food, we had a greasy gyro, then decided to seat ourselves at Shakepeares, a great little bar. The evening ended around 3:00AM trying to find food. Not much open at that time. Oh well, more for today (Friday).
Planning on doing something, and then meeting back at the Hofbrauhaus around 3P-4P. Hopefully other research associates will jon. Wear your shirt ! !
Auf Wiedersehen.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
The Barbus Clock
The CLOCK......

We have approximately 0 hours and 14 minutes left until we meet on Thursday, 29 September, at Augustiner Großgaststätte, at 14:00 local time.
When I post this the local time is : 07.15 hrs.
I hope our Grand Oktoberfestian is aware of this and that he realises that we feel trapped now that we have to wait 6 more hours to start the party; let's fine him.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
The First Oktoberfestians Head to the Airport
Auf Wiedersehen.
The next post will originate from Munchen ! !
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Better Late Than Never...
The new registrant, you ask.. "Little John". Sorry, still can't resist.
Ok everyone else, we know you have been lurking and reading but not posting. Tonight is your last chance. Get With It ! ! ! !
Add to the list of items to pack.....
BDG2M Book(s)
Pepto & Immodium
BDG2M Researcher Shirt & Card
Newport, KY & Vegas Hofbrauhaus Shirts
Extra Socks (in case of rain)
Lots of Euros
Beer Call 09/27/05
Sorry for the poor picture. I know it is not up to BarleyMan standards, but it was taken with my cell phone.

Just wondering
If a cow laughed, would milk come out of her nose?
If 4 out of 5 people SUFFER from diarrhea...does that mean that one enjoys it?
OK. That was my final stateside post. Tuesday's posting obligation has been met. Next posting from me to come from the city of Munich.
"Katrina Takes a Toll on Truth, News Accuracy"
The problem here isn't the bad facts, unchecked rumors, or false stories. They can be almost expected of such a mess and the news reporting system. The problem is that opinions are formed based on such lousy stories and even if the press is later corrected, the opinions formed are already in play. The truth has no chance of catching up with the initial impressions.
I've said it before, but getting facts before forming an opinion is important. Relying on the press for facts is a mistake.
As You Board Your Flight:
A flight attendant was stationed at the departure gate to check tickets. As a man approached, she extended her hand for the ticket, instead he opened his trench coat and flashed her. Without missing a beat....she said, "Sir, I need to see your ticket not your stub."
Monday, September 26, 2005
Your hourly clock is cool, but by my calculation, it is a few hours off.
We meet at 1330 on Thursday, GMT-1. It is now 0330, Tuesday, GMT-1. Which is exactly 2 days 10 hours, which is 58 hours, not the 67 hours, 30 minutes being calculated...
Unless of course you are going into hiding for 10 hours... ;-)
My New Derndl Date
Chugger & Einfahrt are already in Munich?
Porn shoot stuns tourists
Sep 26 12:08 PM US/Eastern
BERLIN (Reuters) - Italian vacationers admiring the view from a fairground Ferris wheel at the Munich Oktoberfest got more than they bargained for when a porn shoot suddenly began inside their cabin, authorities said on Friday.
Having settled down to enjoy a leisurely spin on the wheel at the famous beer festival, the group of Italians were quite unprepared for the arrival of two men toting cameras and a woman who started to use a vibrator.
Unable to stop the shoot, the Italians informed local police, who promptly arrested the actress and her crew, a Marketing Director and a General Manager..
"They said they weren't doing it for commercial reasons but that they wanted to see how visitors would react," police said. The three have been charged with public indecency.
I Wanted to Photo-Chop This....
I Knew It!
Buffalo Theory for Smart Asses

I don´t know what happened, but I believe that the European view of our Blog sometimes shows different images. Here is what we see.
It´s why I´ve asked `does she mean right or left`
To be honest I had to drink a few beers......................... and remebered the wise words Cliff said to Norm in one of the first episodes of Cheers.
`A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole, because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing of the weakest members. In much the same way, the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells. Now, as we know, excessive drinking of alcohol kills brain cells. But naturally, it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first. In this way, regular consumption of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells, making the brain a faster and more efficient machine. And that is why you always feel smarter after a few beers."
Reflections on the countdown....
With Oktoberfest this year, we talked about months to go, then weeks to go, and most recently days to go.
Is it now appropriate to talk about Hours to Go?
introduction of two newbie's
Name: Richard, married to Agnes, two daughters, 9 and 12. Former NCR. Live in Dayton for a while. Agnes got into the Dayton way of live, picked up line dancing and became bowling champ. Agnes is a teacher and provides a regular income to compensate my entrepreneurial habit to spend money on future business.
Although new to this group, I am an Oktoberfest veteran. Purely by coincidence……, end of September Munich is the center of business meetings. I once convince my USA boss that he should sponsor a table, best marketing dollars ever spend. Actually, in the past 10 years I had the privilege to be in Munich at least 5 times per year. With customers like Siemens, Allianz and Deutsche Telekom there was no way of avoiding the place. This is how I’ve come to love the city and in my mind it is truly one of the nicest cities in Europe. It is the perfect blend where Northern Europe meets the Mediterranean culture. Munich has a lay back, joy of life, attitude but don’t jaywalk. You will be publicly corrected by a 90 year old pensioner.
For Agnes this will be the first visit to Munich. With two kids that need to be stalled, our visit will be confined to a long weekend stay, but for compensation, we will double the beer consumption.
Looking forward to meet you all. Have a good flight and see you on the wiesse.
Ludwig II
The upload, she no work
Did Grumpy Break the Blog ? ?
Can someone else verify?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Gute Reise!
Eliska and I (that’s her on the cover and that’s NOT me standing next to her) have had a lot of fun browsing your blog these past several months as you prepare for your big research mission in Munich. Personally, I’ve really enjoyed the back and forth banter, the quick wit and the humorous posts. It’s all in keeping with the spirit of The BDG2M to have a great time and enjoy Munich in every way possible. Most of those ways involve beer, and you folks have broken the code. Yours is truly a league-sanctioned event. Have a great trip, stay safe not sober, and if possible send us back a digital pix or two for the website. Cheers and Prosit!
Fieldführer (Larry) and Fieldfräulein (Eliska)
Beer Call 9/24/05
Saturday, September 24, 2005
A personal note from Larry....

I must confess that I have been lurking, waiting for the right moment to blog this... Now seems as good a time as any. This is a spritual send-off, if I have ever seen one. I thank Larry for the kind words (by the way, I always wondered what Freizeit I know).
This wraps up my mandatory posts. Now I am just doing it for the fun of it. ;-)
BTW... I believe Larry is referring to my Amazon review of his book that I posted on February 25, 1998. My simple message: Indispensible..