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Thursday, February 20, 2020

The Official Duties begin.....

OK Team,  Here's the weekends.

1st Weekend:  Sep 19th (Saturday)

2nd Weekend:  Sep 26th

3rd Weekend:  Okt 3rd

Last Night is Sunday Okt 4th.

My Planus eruptus is to be there from Thursday to Tuesday (Standard run).  But am really open about which weekend.  The 3rd weekend may be fun.  Pre-trip anywhere?

Maybe a Saturday to Saturday trip?

One of our party is anxious to buy tickets,  and Chugger needs to contact Anton.  What say you all??


Barbus said...

2nd weekend!

Chugger said...

Question 1.
When you say "be there from Thursday to Tuesday (Standard run)", do you mean travel Thursday (this is the standard) or be there Thursday?

Comment 1.
I don't think I have any business commitments, but I will need to check out the trade show schedule :-) With that said, I would agree with Barbus on the second weekend. Always an interesting time with the Italians.

Comment 2.
As I mentioned in a previous comment, we would lose a tent day opportunity if we did the 3rd weekend.

Comment 3.
Pre-trips are always interesting and we have not done one in awhile. I would be interested in an extra day or two, but not a week. Thoughts on a venue? Berlin?

Comment 4.
Agreeement on dates drives everything else; housing, flights, expanded blog activity....

BarleyMan said...


1. Official Start as usual on Friday. Depends on Pre-trip. And coming from the Left Coast, will add to my time in travel.

2. I think we have consensus. 2nd Weekend. Sept 25 (Friday) - Sept 29th (Tuesday)

3. I have never been to Berlin. Lets look at travel. I know there are super cheap flights.

4. Agree... And I think we just agreed? I'll check with Flying Dan, but he seemed open to it.

Chugger said...

I opine on the following alternative:

Fly to Berlin on 22 September, arrive 23 September
Two days in Berlin (23 & 24)
Overnight train on the 24th to Munchen, arriving Friday the 25th as usual

The remainder of the weekend as standard modus operandi.

BarleyMan said...

Lufthansa has a non stop to Frankfurt from San Diego. Holy Crap! I can get into Berlin about 2:30 pm on Wednesday (23rd).

If we decide to do this, we better get our train reservations nailed. Liable to be an all night party!! ;-)

sittinginacornfield said...

So would you guys fly round trip to/from Berlin? or Fly into Berlin and Fly back out of Munich?

Chugger said...


Barley Man and I would fly into Berlin and out of Munchen. It all depends on your flight connections and schedules, but round trip to Berlin loses time in Munchen.