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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ok... Thinking About Housing Requirements

As we await the final proclamation from the Grand Poobah on the schedule, the next step will be to finalize housing for this year's Oktoberfestians. Potential attendees for this year's activities include:

Barley Man
Flying Dan
Schlumberger Lady

Is anyone missing? A rhetorical question for sure. A little sparse, but a manageable troupe if it comes to fruition. Regarding housing, I will assume that Barbus and Schlumberger Lady will once again venture out on their own while the remaining Oktoberfestians setup shop at the Hotel Alfa. So, currently 4 potential revelers under the management of the Minister of Housing (MofH).

I have not contacted Herr Anton, and will not until we have a more reliable count. For budget purposes we can expect similar pricing to the 2019 trip; 150 euro for single/ 250 euro for a double. Once commitments are made we will agree upon who will share doubles, who requires a single, is a triple possible.

The MofH will also undertake the identification of rooms in Berlin should that pre-trip become a realization.

I await the proclamation of the Grand Poobah.


BarleyMan said...

It's great when you have an efficient cabinet.

I don't think there is any question... Week 2 ist est!!!

Sept 25 (Friday) - Sept 29th (Tuesday)

I'll update the web site.

And your participation list looks correct. Everyone has confirmed the week 2 Preference.

I am good bunking with someone.

Barbus said...

Guys, I have a little challenge; schlumberger lady will not participate if she is the only lady.
So I may come alone. In that case I need an Alfa single room. To be continued.

Chugger said...

What, no Schlumberger Lady? Who will keep us focused on the import things?