Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Another Great Reason to Visit Amsterdam ...
Dutch women's breasts are getting bigger!
That's right, read all about it here.
Wonder if there is a connection between this and the earlier discussion about the Red Light District.
And then there are the American women.
That's right, read all about it here.
Wonder if there is a connection between this and the earlier discussion about the Red Light District.
And then there are the American women.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Was it like this?
Einfahrt, I remember you once told me that you were caught by the Police and you were asked to "walk the line". I never heard the result, please tell was it like this? http://my.break.com/media/view.aspx?ContentID=186637
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Recruiting Trip

Please withdraw funds from the petty cash drawer, buy a plane ticket and a six pack and fly to St. Louis. I think I found a candidate to be the token female on the trip....she sounds like our kind of gal.
Grand Puhba
ST. LOUIS: Warm beer led to killing, police say
A St. Louis man was shot to death Sunday night over a warm beer, police said.St. Louis police say a woman shot her husband, who was about 70 years old, four to five times in the chest after he tried giving her a warm can of Stag beer.Police said the wife admitted shooting him about 5:40 p.m. in the kitchen of their home in the 5100 block of Terry Avenue. Police said the home had no electricity at the time.Homicide detectives would not identify the man. The woman, whom police also did not identify, was taken into custody.
Saturday, December 02, 2006

Much has been written in this blog about our successes, but little attention has been given to the training involved to acheive this success. Therefore, this post is set to remind folks that the Oktoberfest trip is serious business. I mean it! Extensive training has to begin in order to survive our 4 days in Munchen. Sipping on Miller lite does not prepare oneself for the onslaught of hoppy goodness you will receive in the Fatherland.
In that light, Private Hops and I sampled some good brew at a local microbrewery today. It was Lightning Brewery Smoked Porter. YUM!!! I expect to see similar posts from our participants; please show evidence of your preparation steps. This will help the novitiates in their journey to Munich.
Grand Puhba.
What's wrong with Santa's Butt?

It has been learned that the state of Maine, once a defender of the Constitution, is now banning Santa's Butt as it was deemed that it may be "Appealling to children". That's just sick. Who would ever think Santa's butt would appeal to children?
Are the Maine authorities so hung up on fear of prurient interest generation, that they have banned Santa's Butt? Thankfully, the Maine Civil Liberties Union is taking up the cause to protect our freedoms.
Nice in November

Last weekend was a great experience to be with a major part of the Oktober festians in Nice - Cote d'Azur. Einfahrt, Jane, Jack, Schlumberger Lady, Barbus, Candy and of course the aspirant member young lady M. enjoyed five wonderfull days. Food, drinks (champaign & wine) were superb. So were the wheather, views etc.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Do we really want to visit Amsterdam?
Barbus.... Help us out here old friend !
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Oktoberfest Word-of-the-Week
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Give us back New York !

“For over 200 years, we’ve watched our proud city evolve the wrong way. But the bell has chimed! The time has come for New York to be returned to its righteous owner: The Netherlands!”. Now that the US have "democratized", you should fulfill so! Please have a look at the website: http://www.giveusbacknewyork.com/
Friday, November 17, 2006
Two More Oktoberfestians Have Tickets ! !

The number of committed 2007 Oktoberfestians increased today with the acquisition of airline tickets by the infamous newly wed couple, Jack & Mac.
Yes, they will be back for an encore trip, and both are looking forward to the pre-trip to Amsterdam with Einfarht and Chugger. Hopefully others will be joining as well.
Look out Shakespeare's ! !
The time has come.
Gentlemen and ladies,
Today is a great day. Today is the day that I have joined the Visits to Oktoberfest - A World Class Event blog page. I am humbled to be in the presence of so many knowledged and over consumed individuals who may honor me in the teachings of beer, drinking beer, getting more beer once mug is empty, and possibly sign language since I am but a humble beermugholder.
I am friend to Privatehops. And now trusty travel companion. Together we shall explore the world (Munich) in search of new beers and foreign ladies. But knowing Privatehops, probably just beers.
I hope that you will all graciously allow me into your circle of trust. Or at least let me stand a few yards back listening intently.
Great poobah I am in your service.
Today is a great day. Today is the day that I have joined the Visits to Oktoberfest - A World Class Event blog page. I am humbled to be in the presence of so many knowledged and over consumed individuals who may honor me in the teachings of beer, drinking beer, getting more beer once mug is empty, and possibly sign language since I am but a humble beermugholder.
I am friend to Privatehops. And now trusty travel companion. Together we shall explore the world (Munich) in search of new beers and foreign ladies. But knowing Privatehops, probably just beers.
I hope that you will all graciously allow me into your circle of trust. Or at least let me stand a few yards back listening intently.
Great poobah I am in your service.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
I have failed as a parent
My friends,
I have raised my children to respect their elders. To listen to us and learn from our wisdom. In many cases, being a liberal, I expect them to explore new avenues to learn; knowing that my foundation of teaching will give them the basis for good decisions.
However, there are certain sacred topics where I expect them to follow our teaching without variance.
But, my friends, I found out that my son, Private Hops, had violated my trust. While cleaning up the back patio, I found a cooler filled with beer. OK. But then I inspected the beer and found it was....... Keystone Light. I gasped. I could not look at the cans directly (like Medusa). It was horrible. My son! Sure, I can understand if you're drinking someone else's beer at 3am and that is all there is. But he brought it ONTO MY PROPERTY. He exposed the women folks to this evil brew. Lord knows what the neighbors think.
But there is hope. We turn him from the dark side in Munich. I trust you will all be with me on this. Please turn your prayers towards salvation.
PS For our friends in The Netherlands, Keystone Light is water made to look like beer.
I have raised my children to respect their elders. To listen to us and learn from our wisdom. In many cases, being a liberal, I expect them to explore new avenues to learn; knowing that my foundation of teaching will give them the basis for good decisions.
However, there are certain sacred topics where I expect them to follow our teaching without variance.
But, my friends, I found out that my son, Private Hops, had violated my trust. While cleaning up the back patio, I found a cooler filled with beer. OK. But then I inspected the beer and found it was....... Keystone Light. I gasped. I could not look at the cans directly (like Medusa). It was horrible. My son! Sure, I can understand if you're drinking someone else's beer at 3am and that is all there is. But he brought it ONTO MY PROPERTY. He exposed the women folks to this evil brew. Lord knows what the neighbors think.
But there is hope. We turn him from the dark side in Munich. I trust you will all be with me on this. Please turn your prayers towards salvation.
PS For our friends in The Netherlands, Keystone Light is water made to look like beer.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
You know you are committed to this trip when...
you actually have airline reservations. As of today, Einfarht and Chugger have reservations to Amsterdam, and then home from Munchen. I believe these are the first, and only, reservations to be confirmed for this trip. Let's go fellow Oktoberfestians.
Here are the details of our itinerary...
Here are the details of our itinerary...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Perspective on the World Series
Yes, friends, my beloved Tigers lost the world series. After a great season, they looked sloppy in their losses to St Louis. But it was a fantastic season, and the biggest turn around for any MLB team ever. Something like 14 losing seasons, then they are in The Show.
Now to those of you who felt it necessary to call me and remind me that the Tigers lost, I have a few points to make:
1. The Tigers had a great season, beating "expert" predictions by a wide margin.
2. No team from Ohio made the playoffs, let alone made it to The Show.
3. One caller's college team (Bowling Green) lost to the Temple Owls. The Tempble Owls have not won a game since November...... 2004! I did not call this friend, because I have pity for him and his ilk.
4. It's 85 and sunny where I am. That makes up a lot for losing a baseball game. ;-0
Now to those of you who felt it necessary to call me and remind me that the Tigers lost, I have a few points to make:
1. The Tigers had a great season, beating "expert" predictions by a wide margin.
2. No team from Ohio made the playoffs, let alone made it to The Show.
3. One caller's college team (Bowling Green) lost to the Temple Owls. The Tempble Owls have not won a game since November...... 2004! I did not call this friend, because I have pity for him and his ilk.
4. It's 85 and sunny where I am. That makes up a lot for losing a baseball game. ;-0
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Welcome to doppleboch
While a new member to the blog has silently registered, he is known by many. A veteran of past sojourns, Herr Doppleboch is one to be accepted.
In other words.... say Hi to "BobR"
In other words.... say Hi to "BobR"
Grand BeerMugPoobah

Have you noticed that there are two basic types of Oktoberfestians? There are the smart, educated ones (mostly female) with engineering and medical degrees, for example. And then there are the Oktoberfestians who are essentially monkeys with Beer Mugs. We call them BeerMugHolders. I think we need different strategies for dealing with them.Now before you go and accuse me of racial insensitivity, remember that the BeerMugHolders are my race (Caucasian). They are simply uneducated. What I’m about to say will seem unkind, but it’s an objective fact that almost everything the BeerMugHolders do can be taught to a chimp, e.g. ride motorcycles, shoot rifles, eat, wear pyjamas, poop.If you make a list of all the things monkeys do NOT do, then compare it to the list of things the BeerMugHolders likewise do NOT do, you’d find a lot of similarities. Monkeys don’t read and write, don’t use computers, don’t play Scrabble, don’t invent anything, and so forth. To be fair, the BeerMugHolders do have language skills whereas monkeys can only use sign language. But the point is that we shouldn’t use the same strategy with the BeerMugHolders that we use with the smart Oktoberfestians. We’ll have to “quarantine” the smart ones, e.g. let them go to Scotland (Inverness). We can outsmart the dumb ones.Here’s my plan. I call it the Grand BeerMugPoobah. As I understand the Oktoberfest system, faithful Oktoberfestians such as the BeerMugHolders tend to do whatever their higher religious authorities instruct them to do. And in most cases the faithful have never personally seen the highest religious authority in their chain of command. That’s extra true if you are an illiterate BeerMugHolders goober with no TV or radio. Everything is based on word of mouth.So what we should do is hire an actor (Borat ?) to assume the role of the highest religious figure in the BeerMugHolders religious hierarchy. I call him the Grand BeerMugPoobah. Then you take him on a tour around Bavaria so everyone can see him and spread the world. You might need to hire a few thousand extras to act as his groupies, just to impress onlookers. We could use all of our Hollywood expertise to make the Grand BeerMugPoobah seem authentic. He’d have an impressive back story about his humble origins and his rise to the highest level of BeerMugPoobahdom. Ideally, he could learn some mind reading tricks from Penn and Teller just to wow the crowd. He might even predict the future, such as tomorrow’s weather, because even that would impress the BeerMugHolders.Once the Grand BeerMugPoobah has established himself as the ultimate religious authority, he can start issuing orders. For example, he can order the BeerMugHolders to subsidize the smart Oktoberfestians when going to Scotland. You might think it would be hard to convince the BeerMugHolders that the Grand BeerMugPoobah is their new religious authority. But consider that the BeerMugHolders are perhaps the world’s most gullible people. And you don’t need to win over every single BeerMugHolder. All you need is a simple majority because the majority will then kill the minority. Problem solved.This probably won’t be the plan that wins me the Nobel Beer Prize. But can you think of any reason it wouldn’t work?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Let the Hotel Discussions Begin
With the approval of the Grand Puhba, I have made reservations for four double rooms at the infamous (sometimes chastised) Hotel Alfa. These four rooms are for arrival on 21 September, with departure on 25 September. The price is 215 Euros per night, and we must make full payment in April.
So, since I believe I will be sharing a room with Einfahrt, who speaketh for the other three rooms?
So, since I believe I will be sharing a room with Einfahrt, who speaketh for the other three rooms?
Monday, October 23, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
A Communication from the Field Research Furher
As is appropriate with all planning, contacting and inviting those that have a great influence on your activities is not only appropriate, but required. As our plans evolve, I felt it only appropriate to contact Herr Larry Hawthorne, author of The Beer Drinker's Guide to Munich (BDG2M), and our inspiration for these trips.
I invited him to join us should his travels allow, and his response was prompt in coming, and offered the traditional guidance and wisdom we have come to expect. Please see his response.
Thanks for thinking of us for your next O-fest trek. Eliska and I can't commit to anything right now, since we seldom plan anything that far in advance. Usually, we save our research trips for the summer months and catch Oktoberfest when we can. The 5th edition is selling pretty well and our estimation is that we will be in Munich next summer (2007) to gather the info for a 6th edition (does this burden ever end?). If we do find ourselves at the Fest, we'd also love to hook up with your brew crew.
Just have to see how it goes, but my guess right now is that we'll likely be about a month in Munich in the July-August timeframe (we really like the Dachauer Volksfest, BTW). Also, appreciate the unsolicited but nevertheless welcome reviews on Amazon. Folks really do read those blurbs. Of course we'll keep up with your progress via the blog and try to contribute occasionally as well.
Cheers to all.
I invited him to join us should his travels allow, and his response was prompt in coming, and offered the traditional guidance and wisdom we have come to expect. Please see his response.
Thanks for thinking of us for your next O-fest trek. Eliska and I can't commit to anything right now, since we seldom plan anything that far in advance. Usually, we save our research trips for the summer months and catch Oktoberfest when we can. The 5th edition is selling pretty well and our estimation is that we will be in Munich next summer (2007) to gather the info for a 6th edition (does this burden ever end?). If we do find ourselves at the Fest, we'd also love to hook up with your brew crew.
Just have to see how it goes, but my guess right now is that we'll likely be about a month in Munich in the July-August timeframe (we really like the Dachauer Volksfest, BTW). Also, appreciate the unsolicited but nevertheless welcome reviews on Amazon. Folks really do read those blurbs. Of course we'll keep up with your progress via the blog and try to contribute occasionally as well.
Cheers to all.
Dayton-based Oktoberfestians Unavailable Weekend of 10-20 thru 22
The Dayton-based Oktoberfestians will be unavailable for posting and commenting during the weekend of October 20 - 22. As is usual for this time of year, a sojourn will occur to contemplate the stars, the moon, the little white round spherically dimpled items, and of course investigate the nectar of hops and grape juice.
What, pray tell, do these Oktoberfestians accomplish? Quite alot, actually. They commune with nature, once again demonstrate their lack of prowess on the links, and contribute to the economy through the consumption of mass quantities (alcohol that is). With timing as it is, this year will also culminate in intellectual discusions surrounding the main event of 2007. We will reminisce, and propose plans and ideas for the trip. A full report will then be presented to the entire Oktoberfest 2007 Organizing Committe, chaired by the honorable Grand Puhba BarelyMan.
Kumbaya to all, and Prosit !
What, pray tell, do these Oktoberfestians accomplish? Quite alot, actually. They commune with nature, once again demonstrate their lack of prowess on the links, and contribute to the economy through the consumption of mass quantities (alcohol that is). With timing as it is, this year will also culminate in intellectual discusions surrounding the main event of 2007. We will reminisce, and propose plans and ideas for the trip. A full report will then be presented to the entire Oktoberfest 2007 Organizing Committe, chaired by the honorable Grand Puhba BarelyMan.
Kumbaya to all, and Prosit !
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Monday, October 16, 2006
First Pass at 2007 Itinerary
Not including the Amsterdam pre-trip.....
Friday......... normal Hofbrauhaus and maybe Augustiner Keller
Saturday.... Kloster Andechs (we missed it last time)
Sunday....... Kloster Weltenburg (two klosters in one visit? last time didn't do it justice)
Monday...... Zieglerkeller Dachau (maybe no rain this time)
Friday......... normal Hofbrauhaus and maybe Augustiner Keller
Saturday.... Kloster Andechs (we missed it last time)
Sunday....... Kloster Weltenburg (two klosters in one visit? last time didn't do it justice)
Monday...... Zieglerkeller Dachau (maybe no rain this time)
Friday, October 13, 2006

Guys, As I did not understand your political discussions, I tried to learn more about your history :) Here is what I found; it makes sense. Please have a look at "having your cake"
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Award tickets
Delta allows booking of award, and other, tickets 331 days in advance of the day of the flight.
Sep 18 (Tuesday) CVG -> AMS
Sep 21 (Friday) AMS -> MUC
Sep 25 (Tuesday) MUC -> CVG
Is not yet possible to book. But, it will be by October 29th.
Looks like 100,000 miles required.
Update: National Rental has a VW Passat (5 passenger wagon) available for pickup at the AMS airport, to be returned at the MUC airport, for 4 days for 159 Euro.
Sep 18 (Tuesday) CVG -> AMS
Sep 21 (Friday) AMS -> MUC
Sep 25 (Tuesday) MUC -> CVG
Is not yet possible to book. But, it will be by October 29th.
Looks like 100,000 miles required.
Update: National Rental has a VW Passat (5 passenger wagon) available for pickup at the AMS airport, to be returned at the MUC airport, for 4 days for 159 Euro.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
A Sad Day for Sure :-(
Captured from the official Oktoberfest Web Site...
The 173rd Wiesn is over!
The 173rd Oktoberfest has ended, the world famous beer tents closed their doors and the fun rides are already beginning to leave the grounds. Now hard times for all Oktoberfest fans have to be bridged: There are 352 days, 21 hours and 22 minutes left until the 174th Oktoberfest will open its gates.
The 173rd Wiesn is over!
The 173rd Oktoberfest has ended, the world famous beer tents closed their doors and the fun rides are already beginning to leave the grounds. Now hard times for all Oktoberfest fans have to be bridged: There are 352 days, 21 hours and 22 minutes left until the 174th Oktoberfest will open its gates.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Oktoberfest 2007 - Less than a year away !
How does the week-end of September 28 - October 2 sound?
I once again nominate BarleyMan as the Grand Puhba for the event.
I once again nominate BarleyMan as the Grand Puhba for the event.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Anyone Reading This Any More?
Well crew, just checking in to see if anyway pays attention. Since this year is almost over with, in terms of planning a trip, maybe we can just discuss general brew related items.
Or is it too early to begin planning the 2007 sojourn? If not, I would recommend a changing of the guard, so to speak. I nominate BarleyMan as the official expert organizer for 2007. He's young, he's energetic, he's been there before. And most importantly, he has learned from the master (Chugger), all the important aspects of this wondrous event.
I recommend a discussion on this topic, so have at it ! ! !
Or is it too early to begin planning the 2007 sojourn? If not, I would recommend a changing of the guard, so to speak. I nominate BarleyMan as the official expert organizer for 2007. He's young, he's energetic, he's been there before. And most importantly, he has learned from the master (Chugger), all the important aspects of this wondrous event.
I recommend a discussion on this topic, so have at it ! ! !
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