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Friday, October 20, 2006

Dayton-based Oktoberfestians Unavailable Weekend of 10-20 thru 22

The Dayton-based Oktoberfestians will be unavailable for posting and commenting during the weekend of October 20 - 22. As is usual for this time of year, a sojourn will occur to contemplate the stars, the moon, the little white round spherically dimpled items, and of course investigate the nectar of hops and grape juice.

What, pray tell, do these Oktoberfestians accomplish? Quite alot, actually. They commune with nature, once again demonstrate their lack of prowess on the links, and contribute to the economy through the consumption of mass quantities (alcohol that is). With timing as it is, this year will also culminate in intellectual discusions surrounding the main event of 2007. We will reminisce, and propose plans and ideas for the trip. A full report will then be presented to the entire Oktoberfest 2007 Organizing Committe, chaired by the honorable Grand Puhba BarelyMan.

Kumbaya to all, and Prosit !

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