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Tuesday, December 08, 2020

Updated Proposed Itinerary

I have made a couple changes to the proposed itinerary just to try and spur some activity as we approach the end of the year.


Flying Dan said...

I would like to see if we can do a stopover in Nuremberg and do the typical touristy thing. It figure prominently in world history. Who knows we might find some of the original rope they used?

Flying Dan said...

then get back on the train to Munich!

Chugger said...

Certainly a viable and interesting alternative.

Barbus said...

Do we already know more about when we start the "Bier Immersion"?

Chugger said...

Barbus, I don't know if we have officially agreed on the itinerary. If all those interested agree, I think we can begin to settle on a start date and begin to refine the details. Using my original thoughts, and adding a day for Kulmbach, seems like arriving on 14 September is a good start.

Come on Oktoberfestians, what say you all?

BarleyMan said...

As I have said. I'm in. However, given my spousal, employment, and upcoming wedding restrictions, I may have to catch up with you at some point. Probably 10 day trip for me.

Dopplebach said...

As I posted on the thread announcing the document I am in for the entire Immersion trip however it pans out.