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Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Something to consider....

Before our training session tomorrow.....


Barbus said...

What happened? No call no news, except that I read that decision will be made 2nd half June. Their main concern is the Italian and American visitors.

Chugger said...

We had our call, where were you?

Next call in two weeks, to be arranged by Barley Man.

BarleyMan said...

Folks, I'd like to try and use Zoom. My fam uses it with great success. I am not going to pay for the commercial version, as they haven't rolled out Taste-o-vision yet. They did want to know if I wanted to try out the Smell-o-vision feature in Beta. I declined for obvious reasons.

Barbus said...

@chugger did I miss the Skype invitation ?

Chugger said...


You accepted the invite last Tuesday.