Looks like another stellar trip for our Anniversary Tour.
As of now, a total of 11 people. Mostly old core, some returnees, and some newbies. Looking forward to starting the banter about day trips. I think we have general ideas, just need to see how we work them into the schedule and drinking.
We will miss those that cannot attend.
Prost !
btw..... 2 weeks from today I will be slamming Mai Tais in Hawaii. Might even try to find some local microbrews as well.
Try the coconut porter....my sister likes it. It's very dark and chewy as I remember.
I will be seeing you guys in 3 weeks. Aloha!
I will be headed to St. Lucia this Friday foy a week of SCUBA and drinking. I will be consuming Mai Tais and Pina Colada's but I will also find some local beers from the island. Any suggestions.
Pitons is the popular beer down there, a light lager, much like Belikin, Presidente, Corona, etc. Its good considering the limits they have locally, and tastes good in the heat.
I have heard that there are some good brew houses, but have never been.
Btw we head for Beijing, Shanghai and Hongkong start April 5. Tips?
Don't eat Italian food at the airport.
Hong Kong
Be sure to go to Victoia Peak
The obvious; Great Wall, Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square
@chugger; you are such a good tripadvisor but I am afraid that is only Oktoberfest trips limitted
Barbus... Visit one of the many Pearl markets. They are usually fresh water, but really nice, and cheap. If you see a nice Gold Pearl necklace, Joyce would really like one, hint hint. send me the bill.
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