Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Countdown Timer Adjusted
Sunday, August 30, 2009
So... how was Lobsterfest???
Friday, August 28, 2009
PaulanerGirl and SchlumbergerLady already found a Dirndl? How about this one !

Munich (ots) - Whether south, center or north - the Munich Oktoberfest has long been a celebration for all! This is impressive evidence of the Potsdam Topmodel Franziska Knuppe. As a professing Aurora makes a great figure in the "dirndl magic", the Oktoberfest-lingerie-2009 Collection of triumph.
The seductive push-up bras Balconette cut in the form to not only the heart of Franziska Knuppe beat faster. Combined with a sexy string, or an equally alluring and almost cut hipster outfit for the Oktoberfest includes already complete - and SCHOULDERS a real eye-catcher.
The seductive lingerie sets are covered with extremely fine floral patterns and delicate embroidery. Small accessories, such as an edelweiss pendant confer the "triumph dirndl magic" that certain Wiesn-Extra. The sets are available in white and magnolia.
The "Triumph dirndl magic" - a treat for every eyer!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Having Nothing to do with Oktoberfest
The whole world is excited about our trip...
Click Here Chugger
Not enough coverage of the Real Oktoberfest in Munich, but... the excitement grows.
Einfarhrt be wary

Date posted: Friday 21st August
Ad viewed: 19256 times
Location: Solihull
Last week, I caught my husband having it off with our babysitter in our Porsche (actually, MY Porsche as I bloody paid for it) so I'm selling his beloved car for £200! See how the prick likes that!I’d been to my mum’s but came back early ‘cos I had a bit of a fallout with her. The children were in bed. My husband wasn’t. I thought he was in the study. I went down to the kitchen and heard something in the garage. I thought it was a rat. It was a blooming rat alright – my husband with our babysitter. She’s barely 17! I treated her like my own daughter.He told me it didn’t mean anything. Oh so that’s makes it OK, then? It sounds crazy but I would have preferred it if it actually meant something. Why risk 15 years of marriage for anything less?Oh it’s not the first time he’s slept around. Only difference is I was stupid enough to think he’d changed. Every single time, like the hopeful naïve cow that I was, I gave him another chance. Deep down, I knew he wouldn’t change – he’d done it too many times. But I went along with it for the kids, for the sanctity of a marriage, for ‘what will the neighbours think?’, for the weather, for the Burger King deal down the road.Well, no more. NO MORE. I’ve had it. The penny’s finally dropped (and I hope his balls do too...on a bed of rusty nails).I’m done. I’m done trying. I tried. I failed. And I want out. But not without getting some of my own back. Not after everything the idiot’s put me through over the years.As a little bonus to the buyer I’m also putting his prized wine collection in the boot of the Porsche.And for my babysitter, I left a little hot surprise for her and her new sugar daddy. I rubbed pepper sauce over every condom wrapper I could find in the house. That should give them a night to remember.I suggest you act quick as a Porsche going for £2000 isn't going to be here for long
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
2009 Masskrug unveiled
Stand: 25.08.2009
What will be the new Wiesnmasskrug was an open secret: For years, is printed on the official drinking vessel, the poster design. And is the firm since February: the motive is a text in Breznform. Even after the poster presentation was much discussion about it. The design comes from the hands of Janine Aigner and Nathalie Fummeli of the Municipal Vocational School for Communication Design in Munich. After all, a new detail on Wiesnkrug it was reported: The version with a tin lid decorated with a mistress of Louis I of the Nymphenburg Beauty Gallery, Lady Jane Ellenborough.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wooot! Woooot!
Seems real now... getting closer!
In favor of both
I recently came across research into the quote attributed to Ben Franklin: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." Serious Franklin researchers note that there is no evidence, nor even whimiscal indication, that he ever wrote or uttered this phrase.
The only documented note scribed by him to come even close is this: "Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy."
Given that Frankin lived in France for nine years as the U.S. Ambassador to France, it makes sense that he would have had or aquired a taste for the noble grape in lieu of French beer - wouldn't you?
So - whilst the point of Oktoberfest is to celebrate the glory of the brew, it is only fitting, nea - even required - to spend an hour's pause in the tent of the vine.
Carry on, Watson ....
Call to Action
Oktoberfesters Unite! See below for the big (some bigger than others)event in Venice Beach. It's a worldwide movement!
Venice California:
A Topless Day Parade was held to celebrate National Go-Topless Day in Venice Beach. "Free your breast, Free your mind" was chanted as people marched from Navy St. down the Venice boardwalk to Muscle Beach. The demonstrators believe it is a woman's constitutional right to equality, to be topless. Women are free in other countries to make this choice without consequences, attention or humiliation.
Men joined in to show their support by wearing bras or bathing suit tops wanting women to have the same rights that they receive.
The demonstration was held at Venice Beach because during the mid-70's this was once the most popular "Bare it all Beaches" in Los Angeles County. Now Public nudity is illegal at all Los Angeles county beaches.
This peaceful parade and demonstration was supported by local law enforcement and fire department, who looked happy to be on duty! This falls into the "Only in California" category!
All women were totally covered-up by "pasties" that looked identical to the female anatomy they were covering!
They do pose an interesting question... what is your view?
“Girl in the Barley”
Barleyman, oh Barleyman ................
Looks pretty tame, right? But when this ad was first published, complaints rolled in by the barrel-ful. The look on the girl in the barley’s face was apparently much too suggestive for the liking of the general public, because the Minneapolis Brewing Company received so many letters that they recalled the posters as so not to offend any more potential customers.
This post is because I have nothing to say :) except when it is about business.
Technologies88 has new funding for the Digital Golf Coach and Buro88 is about to roll out mobile services Europe wide for an Ireland and a Florida based Telco.
Retirement has ended :)
Speaking of wine! Weinzelt tent

Monday, August 24, 2009
It's all about the beer...

A "Mass", one litre of beer, will cost between 8,30 € and 8,60 € this year.
Serving times:
Beer will be sold in the tents from 10.00 to 22.30 on weekdays and from 9.00 to 22.30 on saturdays, sundays and holidays.Where to get which beer:
- Augustiner: Augustiner-Festhalle, Fischer-Vroni
- Paulaner: Armbrustschützenzelt, Winzerer Fähndl, Käfer's Wies'n Schänke
- Spaten-Franziskaner: Hippodrom, Schottenhammel, Ochsenbraterei/Spatenbräu-Festhalle
- Löwenbräu: Schützen-Festzelt, Löwenbräu-Festhalle
- Hacker-Pschorr: Hacker-Festzelt, Bräurosl
- Hofbräu: Hofbräu Festzelt
New Rides at Oktoberfest

As with every year, the Oktoberfest has to offer new and even more exciting fun rides than last year:
One of the most spectacular novelties and brand new is “The Tower”. Designed by carnie Charles Blume, “The Tower” is like a big playground with a numerous spectacles inside. Witness the forces of nature as you will see a volcano erupt or travel through space with special 3-D goggles! But also traditional elements like spinning wheels or rocking conveyor-belts are included in “The Tower”. A great treat is also the top of “The Tower”, as you can catch a great view of the Oktoberfest and Munich from 28m up in the air.
Not as high as “The Tower” but a lot of fun to ride up is the “Silberturm”, a 10m high tower, which you don’t climb but ride up on the side. The trip includes experiences ominously named as “Free Fall” or “Jumping Effect”.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Hilarious !
The Truth about Amsterdam
Bill O'Reilly and his two Blonds. Hope not more than one American watch his Show.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Barbus say hello from Dublin
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
To Dirndl or Not to Dirndl
Schlumbergerlady, are you going to wear a dirndl? I think you would look adorable.
What do the rest of you beer-swilling, pork -eating, Oktoberfest goers think?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Beer for all Personalities
There are three beers/breweries in Munich for three major groups.
1. Hofbrauhaus: All around beer. Popular with tourists and locals of all ages.
2. Augustiner: The beer for the young, hip crowd. Also the brewery with the highest rated beer garden in Munich.
3. Lowenbrau: The beer for bitter old men as it has a slightly bitter aftertaste.
Futures (and beer prices)
Shoes & Beer
In this case, although the old brand was not flawed, the new brand is much more fitting. Somehow it fits better, has more interest, and thus is more appealing.
I welcome the Holmes identity.
But you are still two beers down, Bud.
Monday, August 17, 2009
It is Official ! ! !
and I quote....
Dear Keith,
for the table would be EUR 550.- inlcuding the vouchers.
You can pay this on arrival by cash and I hand out to you
the reservation and vouchers.
Lot´s of greetings
Hotel Alfa
Includes vouchers and tokens for food and bier. I don't know how many, but is usually 2-3 biers. The table is for 10 people, so plenty to go around.
What to plan to wear?
Back to Shoes !!
Current Proposed Schedule
Current Proposed Plan:
Friday, September 25th:
07:16 Schedule Arrival of Paris contingent at Hbf
07:50 Scheduled Arrival of Dayton contingent at München Flughafen
09:30 Approximate Arrival at Hotel Alfa
10:30 Approximate Departure from Hotel Alfa for The Wiesn
11:00 Arrival at Wiesn - Paulaner, Lowenbrau or Bräurosl Tent
11:00 Golden Nectar and Lunch
15:00 Depart Wiesn
15:45 Arrive Hofbrauhaus
16:00 The traditional Hofbrauhaus Revelry
22:00 Stumble to Shakespeare's
24:00 Eat Donner and Crash at Hotel Alfa
Saturday, September 26:
08:00 Tegernsee
14:00 Englischer gardens
Maybe Dinner at "new" Beer garden
Sunday, September 27:
11:00 - 16:30 Augustiner Tent
Monday, September 28:
08:00 Kloster Andechs
15:30pm - 18:30pm Happy Hippo at The Hippodrome
Tuesday, September 29th
06:30 Depart Hotel Alfa
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Bavarian trains
For those interested, the German DB Rail Pass is a good investment if we travel alot by train... and can be used for S-Bahn (but not U-Bahn?)
A "twin" pass for 4 days is $390 in second class (two people together)
A Single pass for 4 days is $260 in second class
Train fares are:
Day Ticket: 10 Euro, 18 Euro twin
Single fare (all zones - U-Bahn, S-Bahn aka the subway): 9.20 euro (each trip)
Sample D Bahn (train) trip: 10.30 Euro from Munich to Tegernsee
So, barring a big trip, I don't think the DB Twin pass is worth it. However, Paulaner girl and I will probably each get Day Tickets (Tageskarte) for the U/S-Bahn and individual tickets for any rail that we do!
Friday, August 14, 2009
What sayeth the masses?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day Two
As I won't be at my sharpest, and perhaps others won't be either, late in the evening of Day One, maybe we ought to decide at least the beginning of Day Two. So, you know, I can set my alarm clock and all in case an early train is on the agenda.
So, where to, Day Two?
Greetings from Alkmaar
More Biergarten suggestions
1. Seehaus Biergarten
Located on the northen end of the English Garden (Englischer Garten), this is one of my all time favorite places to relax and watch the swans on the lake.
2. Augustiner Keller
The site of many beer commercials, this biergarten has been one of Munich's most popular spots for years.
3. Waldwirtschaft
There's live music in the summer months, ranging from Jazz to Swing and Blues. A traditional Bavarian biergarten with all its charm.
4. Aumeister
The former royal hunting house in the English Garden, the buliding dates to 1810. Great place for food.
5. Hirschgarten
The Hirschgarten is considered Europe's biggest Biergarten with room for 8,000 people. Even though its size is impressive, the atmosphere is one of typical Bavarian Gemuetlichkeit.
6. Chinesischer Turm
Bulit in 1790, the Chinese Tower in the English Garden is surrounded by a sprawling array of Biergarten tables and benches. This is a great Biergarten to unwind from a day of sightseeing and taste Munich's delights to the sounds of an oompah band.
7. Löwenbräukeller Biergarten
This oasis under chestnut trees has been in existence since 1883. You can eat cheap here since it's selfserve.
8. Taxisgarten
Taxisgarten has been offering a wide array of Bavarian delicacies since 1924.
9. Flaucher
Flaucher is located on the Southern banks of the river Isar and makes for a perfect stop for bicyclists.
10. Kugler Alm
"Alm" is the Bavarian word for a mountain hut and that's exactly the feeling you get from the Kugler Alm.

I still vote for a half day or so spent in Englisher Gartens. We can do some field research for Larry!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Just completed ...
Time to make some Bad Juans.
Sent from My BlackBerry (excuzz any spelling missteaks)
Oktoberfest Girls and Dirndles

Click here for the full collection.
All these discussions about where to go and which beer to drink. There is more at Oktoberfest. Make your Choise.
Monday, August 10, 2009
I'll Start (Just in case)
Barley Man / Paulaner Girl???
Night train to Munich at 7:16am at the Hbf.
Barbus / Schlumberger Lady???
Will arrive by Limo around 13 hrs.
A Poll
While I have enjoyed the banter of this year's site, I do miss the in depth and spirited debate about the 'fest itself and our excursion this year. To wit, I propose the following......
All posts after this week MUST be specifically targeted at Oktoberfest and our trip this year. Where to go, how to go, when to go, what to do, when to do it, who to do it with, who not to do it with, proposed schedules, what to eat, how many Donners to eat, when to visit Shakespeare's, train schedules ... you get my drift.
So, let's hear from this year's minions, should we narrow our posting topics?
Tune into ESPN now!
Makes ya feel like a beer!
Do the math!
8,50 Euros per mass
$1.41 per Euro
7 Biers per round
He could save money by not buying himself a bier...
Saturday, August 08, 2009
Having Nothing to Say about Barbus's concert
Because nothing says Nothing quite like a meaningless story
The Mrs., and her brother brought it up, I unloaded it, then the Mrs.' Mom comes to survey:
Driving the brother back to the airport called for celebration. Brother, young Ms. and I went to:
Where we could:
Young Ms. tried out:
and met her inevitable doom:
Friday, August 07, 2009
July Fest in Alkmaar
Oltoberfest souvenier

The Oktoberfest original for your home: The Paulaner glass-mug and beer combo lets you enjoy Oktoberfest-beer just the way you would at the Oktoberfest. The mug is just like the ones you get in the beer tents and the beer-can contains the special Oktoberfest-beer, which you only get during Oktoberfest time.
Also great as a present, as the handy carton reveals the glass mug with the decorative beer-can in it
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Munich - A livable City
In the article it brings up an interesting dimension we have only touched on in the past (plus Vozel's unfortunate comment in the Salt Mine):
"Von Halasz set out to correct that by writing "Hunting Nazis in Munich," a guidebook on lost sites connected with Hitler and his National Socialist party. "
Could be an interesting twist to the trip.
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
Homework Assignment!
Only 40 some odd days left to go! I propose we find the pefect beer garden/hall to visit. I think it should be:
- A place we have never visited
- 3 1/2 beers or higher in BDG2M (link above)
- A place of tradition and learning
- Good food (we could have lunch there sat or sun)
- Not a major touristy thing
My suggestion:
Liebhards Braustuberl! A perfect trip outside of Munich, to the Ayinger brewery (tours available), and a great out of the way traditional place to go have a beer. easy to get to, S-Bahn 6 to Aying.
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus
I do recommend that you listen very carefully to the words, sing this very quietly at first and gradually build up to a higher volume, then when you are confident you can introduce the song to your mates down the pub or at work, sit on a bench and roll side to side.
Good luck, one two, three.....
In München steht ein Hofbräuhaus: Eins, zwei, ... g'suffa!
Da läuft so manches Fäßchen aus: Eins, zwei, ... g'suffa!
Da hat so manche braver Mann: Eins, zwei, ... g'suffa!
Gezeigt was er so vertragen kann
Schon früh am Morgen fing er an
Und spät am Abend kam er heraus
So schön ist's im Hofbräuhaus.
In English this would sound something like this...
In Munich stands a Hofbräuhaus: one, two ... cheers!
There run out so many steins: one, two ... cheers!
There are so many brave men: one, two ... cheers!
Show what he can endure
Already early in the morning he begins
And late at night he comes out
So beautiful it is in the Hofbräuhaus!
Monday, August 03, 2009
In Honor of Einfahrt....
Nothing is a concept that describes the absence of anything at all. Colloquially, the concept is often used to indicate the lack of anything relevant or significant, or to describe a particularly unimportant thing, event, or object. It is contrasted with something and everything. Nothingness is used more specifically as the state of nonexistence of everything.
Grammatically, the word "nothing" is an indefinite pronoun, which means that it refers to something. One might argue that "nothing" is a concept, and since concepts are things, the concept of "nothing" itself is a thing. This logical fallacy is neatly demonstrated by the joke syllogism that contains a fallacy of four terms:
- The Devil is greater than nothing.
- Nothing is greater than God.
- Therefore, the Devil is greater than God.
The four terms in this example are
- God,
- The Devil,
- Nothing-as-a-thing that the Devil is greater than, and
- Nothing-as-an-absence-of-a-thing: 'no-thing' or 'not-some-thing', ie, no entity exists that is greater than God.
The error in the conclusion stems from equating nothing-as-a-thing with nothing-as-absence-of-a-thing which is invalid logic.
Clauses can often be restated to avoid the appearance that "nothing" possesses an attribute. For example, the sentence "There is nothing in the basement" can be restated as "There is not one thing in the basement". "Nothing is missing" can be restated as "everything is present". Conversely, many fallacious conclusions follow from treating "nothing" as a noun.
Modern logic made it possible to articulate these points coherently as intended, and many philosophers hold that the word "nothing" does not function as a noun, as there is no object that it refers to. There remain various opposing views, however—for example, that our understanding of the world rests essentially on noticing absences and lacks as well as presences, and that "nothing" and related words serve to indicate these.Hidden Message Below
I have not counted this post