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Saturday, January 03, 2009

What is this year's theme?

Remembrance trip:
Relive the glory day trips and Munchen activities.

New adventures trip:
Concentrate on something never before attempted.

Farewell tour:
A nostalgic look back, not expecting to return in 2011.


BarleyMan said...

I'd have to say that it's a toss up between 1993 (the first!!) or 1997 (The Woody Trip). Joyce and Dan's banter was priceless. It was great to see John's dad party on, even though he had broken ribs!!

Chugger said...

Glad you're posting BarleyMan, but get your posts in the right topic....

I assume this was intended for favorite overall trip?

Unknown said...

It was a build up for the naming. :-)

Remembrance and Farewell are too morose and lame. Who wants to psych up for a trip like that? Not until I am 80 will I start taking vacations to look back.

I vote for something more fun like:

"2009 World Beer Tour" or
"2009 Munich Assault" or
"2009 Hop & Barley Extravaganza"

Chugger said...

I like it...

The 2009 Munich Assault:
Keep your eyes and ears open !