We leave on Friday the 6th, and will be drinking Chianti and maybe some birra for about 10 days. Since no one reads this blog anymore, I thought it was appropriate to post something that might actually attract participation. Maybe there are plenty of Italian lovers out there that would love to comment. Post something and let me know.
On a non-related topic, I sent emails to both of my senators yesterday (Mr. Brown (D) and Mr. Voinovich (R)), expressing my opinion on the pending immigration legislation, and asking them to please vote "my way". "My way" is a topic for another discussion. I sent the exact same email (salutation different, of course), and in one paragraph stated that I had not read the entire proposed bill, but hope that he had. Well, later in the day I received a response from both senators.
Senator Voinovich thanked me for my comments, and even tried to address a couple items in my email. Great response (even if it was from his staff). I also received a response from Senator Brown. His email appreciated my comments on English as the primary language for the United States. Huh ??? I guess my joking about not reading the proposed legislation is appropriate for emails as well.
I have sent a response to Senator Brown this morning, we'll see if the Mea Culpas come today or not.
Ok Chugger....
Sure is EASY to comment on immigration when you live in OHIO!
I guess you have to deal with Canadians stading outside your grocery store looking for day work. ;-)
Have fun in Italy. Carry you rpassport and tourist visa.
"guess you have to deal with Canadians stading outside your grocery store looking for day work."
Kentuckians looking for used vehicles and refrigerators.
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