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Thursday, January 18, 2007

Read now...student of the hops.

The holy web site is now sharing true Zen.


Read, learn, Do no harm.

Grand Puhba


Chugger said...

I am enlightened beyond even my imagination.

On the first day there was The Book (according to Larry).

On the second day there was The Blog.

On the third day, there were the flight reservations.

And now, for all to behold, there is The Web Site.

All praise the Grand Puhba !

BarleyMan said...

Save the praise.... and do the following:

Blog Often
Read the book
Get your plane tickets
Practice, practice, practice
- Beer & Pork are sustainers of inner health

Barbus said...

Don't forget; on the fith day he invited his Son to join! We hope we will become even more enlighted.