Here's the countdown to the start of Oktoberfest 2024...

Visit Dave Finlay's Oktoberfest Resources site to learn more about our past visits, some history and interesting anecdotes.

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Attendee Update

We officially have a new attendee for this year (play the theme song from Jeopardy).

Flying Dan has acquired airline tickets and will join us for the Amsterdam, Bamberg, München portion of the trip. A hearty Prost is in order.

Also, I have tentatively annointed my sister, Dee, with the moniker of Dee Rieslinger. This may change, but it is in homage to her taste for sweet wine. We might even wait until the trip completes to officially choose. Maybe a classic event will name her through devine intervention. Something like Lost in Space 😄

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

2024 Bier Prices Established

Approximately a 3.87% increase from 2024.


Oktoberfest Bier Prices