Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
What's The Next Milestone...
It is now less than 60 days to our meeting at the Hofbrauhaus, construction has begun, we have our plane tickets, we have our hotel reservations, and some poeple have their Lederhosen. While day trips have been discussed, final planning and confirmation typically occurs "on site".
So.... What's next?
Maybe I need to head down to the Hofbrauhaus in Newport and do some training. Or, since I'll be in the Pittsburgh area this weekend, maybe the Hofbrauhaus Pittsburgh.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Update from the absent front
We just got my son's school schedule and are making flight arrangements around his classes. Will post travel arrangements once solidified. It's getting exciting and we are really looking forward to the trip. Now that I caught up (a bit) with the blog
1) As of right now, we will not be wearing leiderhosen.
2) I do have a valid US drivers license, but I don't really plan on driving much. Is this a mistake?
3) Aram and I are looking at making a few side trips and will listen to the group on where to go and what to do.
4) Do we need to purchase any tickets to any events/tents? Previously I was told not to, but not sure if that changed?
5) We have actually listened to the songs a few times so we can at least fake like we know what we are doing...Alice, who the F&$^ is Alice?
6) We will live vicariously through the single guys and our sons...say no more.
7) I asked the Dr. to prescribe some Fukitol for the trip, but he had never heard of it. It's probably only a European medication and not approved by the FDA. Does it have a different name? There might be a generic equivalent named DAMITOL, but don't know if it will have the same effect.
Sorry I've been absent...I'll try to be a better blogger.
International Drivers licenses
Oide Wisen
Thursday, July 21, 2011
When in Rome?
Monday, July 18, 2011
How many?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Paging der Kubaner ! ! ! !
It's been 5 months since you posted to the blog. Are you still going to Oktoberfest? You were the first person to post to our blog who was not a member of our core Oktoberfestian team. Since then, Betrunken and Alkoholische have become solid members of the blog.
Inquiring minds want to know.."Gehen Sie zu Oktoberfest?"
Friday, July 15, 2011
Any thoughts?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
ıı ʇɹɐd ǝʞɐʇuı ɹǝıq ǝƃɐɹǝʌɐ
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Road Trip to Frankfurt...
Your average beer intake in Munich?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Exchange Rates
Monday, July 11, 2011
Current Events Discussion
Will the discussion on the debt limit and spending cuts positively or adversely affect the Dollar to Euro exchange rate?
Bottom line, will a Maß be more or less expensive?
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Happy Birthday BarleyMan
Let's all raise our steins to my good friend, and promise to buy him one when we get to Munich !
Prost !
Friday, July 08, 2011
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Not tired and thirsty??

Wednesday, July 06, 2011
Construction Schedule
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Friday, July 01, 2011
Little American Oktoberfest vom 03. bis 10. Juli 2011 in der Waldwirtschaft
Subject: Little American Oktoberfest vom 03. bis 10. Juli 2011 in der Waldwirtschaft
Wenn der Newsletter nicht richtigzeigt wird, klicken Sie hier.
Liebe(r) Herr Finlay,
nach jahrelanger Pause holen wir das Deutsch-Amerikanische Kultfest wieder zurück - Little American Oktoberfest is back in der Waldwirtschaft Großhesselohe!
Echten American Fun erleben Sie beim Bull Riding, Lassowerfen, Stiefelzielwurf und Hufeisenweitwerfen - selbst Zuschauen macht hier eine Riesengaudi!
Dazu gibt`s direkt vom Holzkohlegrill saftige American Prime Steaks, American Burger, Baby Back Ribs, Main Lobster und original American Sweets, wie Marshmallows, Jelly Beans und Icecream.
Und American Music von und mit Linda Jo Rizzo, The Trio Minarik, Kevin Henderson und Mel Canady, wochentags
ab 12 Uhr, am Wochenende ab 11 Uhr.
Bringt Eure Freunde mit und feiert bei original American Flair.Gerne reservieren wir auch im Biergarten einen Tisch.
Frau Sonja Wolf freut sich über Ihren Anruf unter 089-74994030!
See you at the Little American Oktoberfest!
Your host,
Morgendanzl rund um d'Musi in der WaWi am Sonntag den 10. Juli 2011 ab 8:00 Uhr
Wie in den vergangenen Jahren gibt´s in der Waldwirtschaft Großhesselohe - auch dieses Jahr ein morgendliches Tanzvergnügen.
Es freut uns sehr, diesmal die Schreinergeiger zum Morgendanzl begrüßen zu dürfen, welche uns schwungvoll die Müdigkeit austreiben werden.
Wie immer steht bei uns die Freude am Tanzen im Vordergrund. Alle Freunde/-innen des Volkstanzes werden ab 08:00 Uhr sicher voll auf ihre Kosten kommen!
Bei schlechtem Wetter verschieben wir das Morgendanzl auf Sonntag, den 24. Juli 2011, gleiche Zeit und gleicher Ort!
Bei zweifelhafter Wetterlage ist ab Samstag, 09. Juli 2011 eine Telefonansage (089 74443863) geschaltet.
Waldwirtschaft Großhesselohe GmbH
Georg-Kalb-Str. 3
82049 Pullach b. München
Telefon +49 (0)89 - 74 99 40 30 | Fax +49 (0)89 - 74 99 40 39
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Waldwirtschaft Großhesselohe GmbH
Ust-IdNr: DE 129490446