Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Reservation Locked - Write it down!
I had to pay up front... so this is now a done deal. 30 Euros (8 people) each, which is applied to our food there.
Date: 9/28/09 - Monday
Time: 3:30pm - 6:30pm
They will have a snack spread on the table (Radishes, Bacon, Cheese, Bread, etc.) and a 19 euro credit toward beer and other stuff!
Parrotheads in Paris
Monday, June 29, 2009
Getting closer .....
Another Sad Day
Good for those of us that must drink his biers.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A sad day.....
I remember my mom outlawing the poster. I just hung it on the back side of my closet door.
I also remember Thriller. Watching the video on MTV, hooked up to our TV and home stereo. John S thought it was amazing. I did too.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hippodrome Reservations
So post your vote, yeah or nay?
Post about proposed activities at Ocktoberfest
Per request, some discussion about where to go, what to see while in Munich. Um: Hof Brau Haus, Weisn (Beer Tents), Cloister Andechs, two, maybe three day trips. Go with the crowd. Would like to see a bit more of the food market near Hof Brau Haus; it has been fun during the odd hours I've been.
I'd suggest:
Day 1 Arrival | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Departure |
2:00 HbH | Tegernsee | Cloister Andechs | ? | Early morning Checkout |
7:00 Weisn | Englischer Garden | Train to Airport | ||
Weisn | Weisn | Weisn |
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Henk & Gemma Asked...
Here's the latest email I received from Hotel Alfa concerning this topic..
Dear Keith, hope you´re fine. I only would like to inform you, that I´am still taking care on your reservation at the Octoberfest. As soon as I definitively get notice about the exact date and hour I can offer you, I will let you know. Lot´s of greetings from Munich and have a nice time Anton Hotel Alfa
Monday, June 22, 2009
Favorite Tents
In past years, which tents have been our favorites? I must admit, my memory gets a little foggy as to which tents we've even been in. Of course, true to my name, I like Paulaner. The tents that serve it are: Armbrustschützenzelt, Winzerer Fähndl, and Käfer's Wies'n Schänke. However, I can't ever remember being in these tents. I know we've been in Löwenbräu and Augustiner-Festhalle, but from there it all becomes fuzzy. I'm sure I just ate too many pretzals.
Recommendations & Tips for the Trip
- Go with the group. A laid back atmosphere is critical in Bavaria
- Get plenty of rest before you arrive. we go non stop.
- Have your reservation at the Rehab center made before you leave. You will be unable to work touch tone phones after the trip. It's best to just have them meet you at the airport when you arrive home.
- Eat a lot of food. It will provide a good base for the beer
- Try new things. Even if you have never had Haxen, and think it looks too much like a pig knuckle, try it anyway*.
- Sleep on the train. Just make sure there is someone awake to make sure you get off at the stop.
- Check out the German Rail Passes. They have 3 or 5 day passes that allow you to go on the DB and S-Bahn lines. In the US you can get these at AAA. The only issue is that the twin passes require you to travel together (i.e. you get one pass)
- Make sure you try the Donner in the little shop near the Hotel Alfa. ask for them 'spicy'. Do not take the Donner to bed. You will wake up smelling of onions and spicy lamb.
- Don't ask for wine at the Beer Tent. Lynch is able to sneak it in for you.
- Don't ride the upside down rides after eating a hendel, a bretzel, 2 sausages, a radish, and 4 Maß of Bier.
- For $50 they will let you lead the band.
- They don't serve ice like they do in the states. Even at Burger King. In fact, the Burger King doesn't make ice until after 11am. even then you get one cube for a big gulp.
- Try not to attend over the daylight savings time change. They get really confused, as do you. You may even show up early for your train.
- Never go in the pissort in the Hbf.
- Wear comfortable waterproof clothes. Between the rain and the beer, you need to keep dry. Many times we will leave the hotel early in the morning and return early the next day.
- Never, under any circumstances, look inside a sausage.
- Never sit at a table with a sign on it that says something scary in German
- Make sure you sit near the Aussies and Kiwis in the beer tents. Have your camera ready at all times.
- Don't steal lighters from shaven headed crazy ladies in Dachau Irish pubs
- Don't complain. Don't Bitch. Don't whine. Suck it up and follow Vozel.
- Have fun, enjoy seeing old friends, and remember, What goes on in Munich, stays in Munich.
"Lock Steward Payment"
This Week's Posting Theme
I propose a theme for this week's postings, though. As an Oktoberfest blog, and since we once again have a newbie in our midst, I propose that all posts this week address something of an educational nature about Oktoberfest for our friend, RodG. We should take this opportunity to tell RodG seem of the secrets we have learned over the years, give him some guidance for navigating through the maze we call mecca, and maybe share some interesting anecdotes. RodG started last week with his post about bier types to avoid (should have been which ones to savor), but nonetheless an inquisitive topic.
My first words of wisdom... Treat the visit as your one and only visit. Enjoy yourself and try to do as much as possible, but don't feel compelled to do everything everyone else might do. Four days is short, but the visit is about friendship and culture, interspersed with some bier and story telling. Hopefully you can be the source of a future Oktoberfest memory.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Knowing what beers to avoid
Without taking me into the science of brewology, is there a simple guide to what to avoid if one is particularly prone to digestive distress? What should I be careful not to consume?
Dom Petrus Perignon
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Siegestor
The Siegestor (en: Victory Gate) in Munich, is a three-arched triumphal arch crowned with a statue of Bavaria with a lion-quadriga, similar in style to the Arch of Constantine in Rome, the Marble Arch in London, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin. It is located between the university and the Ohmstraße, on the intersection of the Leopoldstraße and the Ludwigstraße. Therefore it divides the two Munich districts of Maxvorstadt and Schwabing.
The gate was commissioned by King Ludwig I of Bavaria, designed by Friedrich von Gärtner and completed by Eduard Mezger in 1852. The quadriga was created by Martin von Wagner. The gate was originally dedicated to the glory of the Bavarian army (dem bayerischen Heere zum Ruhme). Today the Siegestor is a monument and reminder to peace. After sustaining heavy damage in World War II, the gate was - similar to the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin - reconstructed and restored only partially. The inscription on the back side is by Wilhelm Hausenstein and reads Dem Sieg geweiht, vom Krieg zerstört, zum Frieden mahnend, which translates as "Dedicated to victory, destroyed by war, reminding of peace". In the last couple of years, the statues that remained were meticulously cleaned and restored. The Siegestor is 21 meters high, 24 Meters wide, and 12 meters deep.
It was featured in The Amazing Race 9 as a pit-stop.
Lets Go To Schwabing
Schwabing is a borough in the northern part of Munich, the capital of the German state of Bavaria. It is divided into the city borough 4 (Schwabing-West) and the city borough 12 (Schwabing-Freimann). For further information on the Munich boroughs, see: Boroughs of Munich.
Schwabing used to be famous as Munich's bohemian quarter and is still popular among tourists and locals for its collection of bars, clubs, and restaurants. Another popular attraction is the Englischer Garten, or English Garden, one of the world's largest public parks.
Since Munich's largest universities, Ludwigs-Maximilians-Universität and the Technical University of Munich, can be found in nearby Maxvorstadt, there is a lot of student activity on and around Leopoldstraße.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Es ist offiziell: die Maß kostet bis zu 8,60 Euro
With current exchange rates, that amounts to $12.04.
Read about it here...
Alternative daytrips
The BMW Museum
Porsche Museum
And in reference to Wine:
Iphofen, Germany
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The European Beer Museum
Tomorrow we will visit the European Beer Museum in Stenay. 2500m2, graphics and exhibitions describe the origins of beer making, its history and process. And of course in the Tavern a range of 50 artisan and commercial beers await us.
***** STAY CONNECTED *****
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A New Type of Blog Entry
As they went about their activity, I noticed something intriguing yet puzzling. Something, or someone, was missing. I couldn't pinpoint the discrepancy, so I went over to them to ask. They spoke in a tongue that was totally unfamiliar to me; even with my vast travel experience and cultural exposure. Being bier gnomes, I expected to hear German, or at least something vaguely familiar. But no, it almost sounded like Dutch. It wasn't Dutch, but was more like a combination of a French accent, with Chinese sounding phrases, interspersed with something from eastern Russia. We could not communicate. So I drank some more wine, and offered them a bier. It took awhile, but once they understood, they began slamming the Hofbrauhaus Dunkel I had in the 'fridge.
After 3 biers each, their garbled speech began to make some sense. Maybe the wine was affecting my senses. As they began to walk away, I finally realized my earlier puzzlement. I was in the middle of a Joe Shannon story.
It made no sense, moved all over the place, and no matter how much I tried to change the topic, they managed to pick right back up where they left off. Ahh, I was about to go insane. Ever have that feeling when listening to Joe?
Fortunately, the story I was in was actually a dream. Joe was not really there. Or at least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. I think there is a moral here somewhere, but I cannot find one. I'm sure Marion's pizza and a pitcher of Budweiser for lunch with Einfahrt had nothing to do with it. Don't punish me bier gods, Einfahrt ordered the swill. I'm sure I will be paying for it in other ways for 2 more days.
overheard while traveling
Copycat Castles
"Sitting on the steps of Sacré-Coeur in Paris, overhead two young women perusing brochure of Southern Germany and planning the later stages of their trip:
1st woman: "Do we want to go to this New-swan-stine castle built by this mad king they talk about in here?"
2nd woman: "No, I heard he just copied the one in Disneyland." -- overheard by Fodor's member twoflower
This Year's Trip Theme
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Wunderbar! Official Website Updated
Ich bin ein Webdesigner. Das doppleganger fur das Bill Gates. Javohl!
Check out the updated Official Site. Requests for additions and corrections gracefuly accepted. I will be adding day trip info. RodG CHECK IT OUT DUDE!
Click Here if your brain is addled with Barley!
My Beer Song
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Week-end fête de la bière (CHARLEVILLE MÉZIÈRES) en Champagne Ardenne
Today we will go to Charleville Mezierees and will stay for 2-3 days. Although still in the French Ardennes, it is close to the Champagne area. So the call it Champagne Ardenne. Interesting is they organize Beer Festivals next to Champaign events. I'll keep you posted!
On the eastern side of this lake, a former Benedictine monastery, Sankt Quirinus, has been restored, and with it, a brewery (Herzogliches Bräustüberl) and a more formal restaurant (Schlossgaststätte). Owned by her Royal Highness, Elizabeth im Bavaria, the complex with its beer hall is the oldest in the region. The food at this drinking and dining facility is vastly improved.
Is this the place we were talking about previously? Have you guys gone before?
Monday, June 08, 2009
After Einfahrt Gets Serviced ...
54 Famous and Important Words
While only a small portion of the overall Reinheitsgebot, it is infamous nonetheless.
Djoseph & Francwes
Time to clean up the sports car
Net: got to get the car serviced, polished and in full Porsche splendor.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Congrats to Everyone !
The problem, though, is that with 100% blogging, there is no free Bier this week. I'm sure that over the next 100 and some odd days, there will be a few rounds that accumulate. I'm so confident I will not be a non-poster, I'm even posting this today before the next week's requirement starts (didn't want Barley Man complaining again).
Anyway, glad to see some on-topic posts (enough with Englisher Garden, though). I like Barley Man's call for posts about new venues to visit, and they do not need to be train trips. As we accumulate suggestions, we can begin debating those sojourns that make sense. Obviously Kloster Andechs for our Sunday pilgrimage is a requirement. Anyone interested in Englisher Garden? We will let this year's Grand Puhbah proclaim a suggested itinerary, and disseminate the appropriate speakings of Bier according to Larry.
May the Prost Be with You.
p.s. Hey Barley Man, want to update your website with this year's roster?
Saturday, June 06, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
Oh the places we could go!
New places to visit should be a continuing topic. We've all been to Munich many times, so while some can be seen again and again (like Kloster Andechs), others are not viable candidates for the agenda due to a high cost to value ratio (like Rothenburg, Neuschwanstein, Bamberg, Berchsgarten). Value being a subjective assessment of enjoyment. Sadly the ISAR raft trips don't run that late in the year (would be fun). My postings will be focused on the new trips we can take.
First up a local Munich Favorite: Residenz Royal Palace (OK, I think I have been here, but never inside)
The Residence (German: Residenz) is the former royal palace of the Bavarian monarchs in the city center of Munich. The Residence is the largest downtown palace in Germany and serves today as one of the finest room decoration museums in Europe.
The complex of buildings contains ten courtyards and the museum displays 130 rooms. The three main parts are the Königsbau (near the Max-Joseph-Platz), the Alte Residenz (towards the Residenzstraße) and the Festsaalbau (towards the Hofgarten). A wing of the Festsaalbau contains the Cuvilliés Theatre since the reconstruction of the Residence after World War II.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Yeah or Nay?
Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Graduation Complete
Monday, June 01, 2009
Belgium and Beer
Welcome to June ! !
The new feature at the top will track those that have (and have not) posted for each given week. Enjoy.