Join us as we plan and document our travels to the land of pork products and the golden nectar; Oktoberfest. Enjoy as we experience a World Class Event full of fun, frivolity and Gemütlichkeit.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
My Last Post of July...
Since the Grand Puhba is lax in his contributions, I have discovered that the building of the Wiesn is progressing. Here is the status as of this point in time...
Thursday, July 26, 2007
The Train from Amsterdam to Munich
Mainz, and Gutenberg

German history, as the rest of Western history, gets very dynamic from about the 12th century onward.
Why is that? Did people just become less heads-down toilers in the field, less rapacious barbarian warriors, just transform themselves into civil societies progressing inevitably towards our modern civilization? Weren't they before?
Plague, war, floods, threats from without and within. All of these occurred though the periods 11th century through 16th. But they had before as well. Over thirty percent of the population of Europe was wiped out, multiple times - from plague alone. Great fields were taken, not as farm land, but to dispose of the dead.
Why is this period then considered historically grounding? From whence did the great masters - in literature, art, music, science, philosophy, invention, medicine - come?
Part of the answer, as with other things, lies in our own perceptions. We perceive this period dynamic simply because we know more about this period. Written histories have proven more durable than oral and balladic histories. (When was the last time you had to memorize a 50 stanza ballad dealing with Norse conquest?) Written histories are how we know what we know of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, but many other cultures didn’t adopt such arcane methods as the written word.
Therein lies part of the answer. In Mainz, just southwest of Frankfurt Germany, the son of a goldsmith invented a way to reproduce the printed word quickly and inexpensively. Printing presses had been around for a bit (mostly for carved wooden block art – “prints”,) as had type. Johann Gutenberg invented, built, and used a means of making type and setting it in blocks for printing (in presses) that allowed the type to be set, used, and then reset for new content. For the first time, mass production of multiple printed works could be realistically undertaken. Of course, first was the Gutenberg Bible. Books could be reproduced and owned by far more than the few.
I’ll leave it you, gentle reader: is the explosion of ideas that followed because of the press, or was the appearance of the press merely the release of a dam previously impeding the free flow of ideas?
Certainly we know a great deal about the years following, and the century or two before – simply because there were presses to print what people still remembered, and the events as they occurred.
Simultaneously, the Medici in Florence were patrons to the arts in ways that were freer from the Church and later became known as the enlightenment. Whether causative, and enabled by the later invention of the press – or not, clearly a revolt from a single orthodoxy or narrative, to a multiplicity of ideologies livened politics, art, science and religion. The Renaissance was well underway.
Why is that? Did people just become less heads-down toilers in the field, less rapacious barbarian warriors, just transform themselves into civil societies progressing inevitably towards our modern civilization? Weren't they before?
Plague, war, floods, threats from without and within. All of these occurred though the periods 11th century through 16th. But they had before as well. Over thirty percent of the population of Europe was wiped out, multiple times - from plague alone. Great fields were taken, not as farm land, but to dispose of the dead.
Why is this period then considered historically grounding? From whence did the great masters - in literature, art, music, science, philosophy, invention, medicine - come?
Part of the answer, as with other things, lies in our own perceptions. We perceive this period dynamic simply because we know more about this period. Written histories have proven more durable than oral and balladic histories. (When was the last time you had to memorize a 50 stanza ballad dealing with Norse conquest?) Written histories are how we know what we know of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, but many other cultures didn’t adopt such arcane methods as the written word.
Therein lies part of the answer. In Mainz, just southwest of Frankfurt Germany, the son of a goldsmith invented a way to reproduce the printed word quickly and inexpensively. Printing presses had been around for a bit (mostly for carved wooden block art – “prints”,) as had type. Johann Gutenberg invented, built, and used a means of making type and setting it in blocks for printing (in presses) that allowed the type to be set, used, and then reset for new content. For the first time, mass production of multiple printed works could be realistically undertaken. Of course, first was the Gutenberg Bible. Books could be reproduced and owned by far more than the few.
I’ll leave it you, gentle reader: is the explosion of ideas that followed because of the press, or was the appearance of the press merely the release of a dam previously impeding the free flow of ideas?
Certainly we know a great deal about the years following, and the century or two before – simply because there were presses to print what people still remembered, and the events as they occurred.
Simultaneously, the Medici in Florence were patrons to the arts in ways that were freer from the Church and later became known as the enlightenment. Whether causative, and enabled by the later invention of the press – or not, clearly a revolt from a single orthodoxy or narrative, to a multiplicity of ideologies livened politics, art, science and religion. The Renaissance was well underway.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Another post about Day Trips...
Saturday..... Train to Tegernsee around 9 - 10ish, return 3ish. Tents in the evening. We don't need no stinking parade ! ! !
Sunday........ Kloster Andechs. Tents in the evening.
Monday....... Tram 17 Beer Tour. You get it, tents in the evening, or maybe a wrap up at Augustiner Keller or Wally World.
Sunday........ Kloster Andechs. Tents in the evening.
Monday....... Tram 17 Beer Tour. You get it, tents in the evening, or maybe a wrap up at Augustiner Keller or Wally World.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Lack of Postings!
I have scientifically calculated the number of new postings (not comments), created by the core Oktoberfestians. Whilst it is interesting (and important) that comments are generated, and we thank all that have commented, it is new postings that generate excitement. In order of ranking, most to fewest, just for the month of July, the numbers reveal a disturbing trend...
Barbus 6 new postings
Chugger 5 new postings
Einfahrt 4 new postings
BarleyMan 1 new posting
Should this be tolerated?
Barbus 6 new postings
Chugger 5 new postings
Einfahrt 4 new postings
BarleyMan 1 new posting
- Congratulations to Barbus..... a great effort that is appreciated
- Good job Chugger. Especially since you were on vacation for 10 days and without the luxury of Internet communication
- Einfahrt... we're impressed
Should this be tolerated?
Monday, July 23, 2007
Braustuberl Tegernsee
Another Milestone Has Been Reached
With only 60 days until until the festival begins (and only 56 days until departure), another checklist item has been accomplished. Train travel from Amsterdam to Munchen on 21 September has been arranged and paid for. The 4 troubadours of debauchery will travel with the following arrangements:
Leave Amsterdam at 06:34 on 21 September
Arrive Munchen at 14:04 on 21 September
High speed Intercity, with no change of train.
Leave Amsterdam at 06:34 on 21 September
Arrive Munchen at 14:04 on 21 September
High speed Intercity, with no change of train.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Holy Crap... It's a really good time
Wow! Only 2 months until we get in the big silver cylinder and take off for Munich!
Dave Jr. (Private Hops) and I are pysched for this year's trip. Wherever we go, no matter what we see, there is one constant that remains...... there is beer. The best beer in the world!
I recommend, given the 2 newbies on the trip, that we definitely visit Kloster Andechs. I am resolute in my duty to find out if the barfatorium is indeed for the expunging of gastro-intestinal fluids. See
I also want to suck down a haxen with a Dopple-bock. ( I once met a cute young haxen with a dopple bock... but that is another story)
I will leave the other destinations up to others. I know Dave and I will sojourn to a previously unvisited beer garden on Friday for lunch, and meet up with the team on Friday around 5 at HbH.
What are everyone's thoughts on other day trips?
Maybe some of the newbies could speak up, and impress their elders on their research... I am really looking forward to welcoming Patric and Dave Jr. to our brethren.
Grand Puhba
BTW... Anyone need directions? Visit the official site and learn about our customs for the trip. Visit
Wow! Only 2 months until we get in the big silver cylinder and take off for Munich!
Dave Jr. (Private Hops) and I are pysched for this year's trip. Wherever we go, no matter what we see, there is one constant that remains...... there is beer. The best beer in the world!
I recommend, given the 2 newbies on the trip, that we definitely visit Kloster Andechs. I am resolute in my duty to find out if the barfatorium is indeed for the expunging of gastro-intestinal fluids. See
I also want to suck down a haxen with a Dopple-bock. ( I once met a cute young haxen with a dopple bock... but that is another story)
I will leave the other destinations up to others. I know Dave and I will sojourn to a previously unvisited beer garden on Friday for lunch, and meet up with the team on Friday around 5 at HbH.
What are everyone's thoughts on other day trips?
Maybe some of the newbies could speak up, and impress their elders on their research... I am really looking forward to welcoming Patric and Dave Jr. to our brethren.
Grand Puhba
BTW... Anyone need directions? Visit the official site and learn about our customs for the trip. Visit
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Oh My God ! ! Two more confirmed Oktoberfestians.
Well, it now appears that the official list of Oktoberfestians is complete. Please welcome Mr. and Mr. (Joe and Patrick) Shannon to the list of travelers with confirmed airline reservations. While the Shannons had pre-paid their Hotel Alfa room charges, they still did not make the ultimate commitment.
They now have the following airline reservations:
Leave Dayton on 20 September at 15:03
Arrive Munich on 21 September at 17:10 (Seems like alot of missed beer drinking time)
Leave Munich on 25 September at 11:50
Arrive Dayton on 25 September at 22:35
Please welcome the Shannon twins.
They now have the following airline reservations:
Leave Dayton on 20 September at 15:03
Arrive Munich on 21 September at 17:10 (Seems like alot of missed beer drinking time)
Leave Munich on 25 September at 11:50
Arrive Dayton on 25 September at 22:35
Please welcome the Shannon twins.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Holy Crap! It's a series of tubes!
After much frustration and endless nights waking up in a cold sweat, I have figured out how to make it to the "internet". I find myself both excited and frightened at the brave new world that I am encountering. With this task taken off my to do list I feel that I can devote more time to advancing myself as a human being. Perhaps I can conquer such arduous tasks as tying my shoe, or bathing.
My apologies for taking so long, but I am here and elated to be in your presence. I look forward to posting more soon when the power of literacy does hit me.
My apologies for taking so long, but I am here and elated to be in your presence. I look forward to posting more soon when the power of literacy does hit me.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Tickets, Passport, Wallet
I received an email today, reminding me that I can renew my license plate online and that the time to renew is coming up. A quick check: damn, my driver's license also needs to be renewed this year. Looking at my passport: Is it OK? Yes! It's a good thing, because there is a real backlog getting passport renewals. If any of the upcoming travellers need to renew, there might still be time if expedite services are used. Just saying.
Oh, the Wallet?
Oh, the Wallet?
Monday, July 09, 2007
Wild Times

Throughout the early "Dark Ages" they maintained a war-like migratory pattern. Eventually the Visigoths toppled the Western Roman Empire; conquering Rome, stripping the bronze from the Coliseum, wreaking havoc, but generally not establishing Empire or government when they left an area. Alaric, a Visigoth leader left Rome saying there was nothing there worth keeping.
The Flaminian Way - leaves the northern gates of Rome and goes through Augsburg just west of Munich, on its way to the French northern coast carrying Empire (goods, services and legions) to Londinium (London.) The Eastern Roman Empire, based in Constantinople, also known as the Byzantine Empire, influences southern Germany, particularly the south and east - including Bavaria.
The tribes eventually settled into a feudal society as they began settling in the previously Roman settlements. Knights, and royalty, became more prevalent by the 8th and 9th centuries.
Charlemagne and the spread of Christianity helped push the rival tribes into a more cohesive society. The beginning of German Imperial roots, the establishment of major trading routes, and civil society occur in this time. Regensburg, just north of Munich, has several sites relating to this period.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
The Great Wall

Built over extended periods, unimaginably long, at incalculable human cost, it kept the barbarians on one side, protecting civilization on the other - 550 km long, the Obergermanisch–Raetischer Limes were built by the Romans to keep the German tribes from disturbing the peace.
One hundred years earlier (9 CE), a Roman-trained German, Arminius, led a coalition of tribes against the Roman provincial governor, Varus, and the 17th, 18th, and 19th Roman legions. The legions and their support columns (supplies, women, and children) were slaughtered. Germany never became a part of the Roman Empire. The German tribes (from Eastern Europe, along the Baltic; northern Europe, Scandinavian area; and western, Elbe, Rhine, Main river areas) had seldom unified, even after this great battle - remaining independent.
The Romans sent reprisal and again attempted conquest; ending in building the wall. The wall has hundreds of "Turms" (towers,) castles, forts, and moats. Today it also has bike trails, museums, and the Limes Strasse - a scenic route.
Just south of Rothenberg (ou de Tauber) is Aalen, where the largest fort along the wall is open for tourists.
One hundred years earlier (9 CE), a Roman-trained German, Arminius, led a coalition of tribes against the Roman provincial governor, Varus, and the 17th, 18th, and 19th Roman legions. The legions and their support columns (supplies, women, and children) were slaughtered. Germany never became a part of the Roman Empire. The German tribes (from Eastern Europe, along the Baltic; northern Europe, Scandinavian area; and western, Elbe, Rhine, Main river areas) had seldom unified, even after this great battle - remaining independent.
The Romans sent reprisal and again attempted conquest; ending in building the wall. The wall has hundreds of "Turms" (towers,) castles, forts, and moats. Today it also has bike trails, museums, and the Limes Strasse - a scenic route.
Just south of Rothenberg (ou de Tauber) is Aalen, where the largest fort along the wall is open for tourists.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Early Results

Thursday, July 05, 2007
Regarding Day Trips
To facilitate the day trip discussion, I have devised the following equation:
((9 - TravelTime) * X) / 9
TravelTime includes the total time needed to gather, walk to train stations, wait for trains, ride on trains, walk from train stations, etc etc. - basically, everything that doesn't involve drinking beer and eating pork.
The all important X factor is the quality of the beer drinking/ pork eating experience once we arrive at our destination, expressed as a multiple of the beer/pork experience in Munich. X can include the splendor of the view from the place we are drinking, the history of the establishment in which we a drinking, the quality of the beer and pork itself, and whatever else enhances the interest of drinking there rather than in Munich. In any case, it should be more than one, because if it isn't, then why are we going there?
I assigned the constants assuming that we would be setting off no earlier than 8am (damn it), and that we would want to be at the tents no later than 5pm to attempt to secure a place inside. This gives us 9 hours per day trip.
The formula can be used to compare day trips against one another, and even to eliminate them, as a rating less than one indicates that the time would be better spent sleeping in/drinking in Munich.
So, for each day trip we need a) an accurate estimate of total travel time, and b) a composite rating of the beer drinking/ pork eating experience at the locale in question. The latter is subjective, of course, so I encourage everyone who has been there before to give their own rating, and we can use the average. Or something.
I'll start:
Cloister Andechs
TravelTime= I don't remember
X = 3
((9 - TravelTime) * X) / 9
TravelTime includes the total time needed to gather, walk to train stations, wait for trains, ride on trains, walk from train stations, etc etc. - basically, everything that doesn't involve drinking beer and eating pork.
The all important X factor is the quality of the beer drinking/ pork eating experience once we arrive at our destination, expressed as a multiple of the beer/pork experience in Munich. X can include the splendor of the view from the place we are drinking, the history of the establishment in which we a drinking, the quality of the beer and pork itself, and whatever else enhances the interest of drinking there rather than in Munich. In any case, it should be more than one, because if it isn't, then why are we going there?
I assigned the constants assuming that we would be setting off no earlier than 8am (damn it), and that we would want to be at the tents no later than 5pm to attempt to secure a place inside. This gives us 9 hours per day trip.
The formula can be used to compare day trips against one another, and even to eliminate them, as a rating less than one indicates that the time would be better spent sleeping in/drinking in Munich.
So, for each day trip we need a) an accurate estimate of total travel time, and b) a composite rating of the beer drinking/ pork eating experience at the locale in question. The latter is subjective, of course, so I encourage everyone who has been there before to give their own rating, and we can use the average. Or something.
I'll start:
Cloister Andechs
TravelTime= I don't remember
X = 3
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
The real BEER Quiz
Question 1 of 10:
Lowenbrau means
a)Stallion Beer
b)Cattle Foot
c)Lion's Brew
d)Eagle Potion
Question 2 of 10:
Alex, the Stroh's Beer Dog of the 1980's, was a
a)Purebred Rotweiler
b)Golden Retreiver & Irish Setter Mix
c)Alaskan Husky & Irish Terrier Mix
d)Bull Terrier
Question 3 of 10:
This movie was famous for toga parties and John Belushi's hilarious performance as Bluto Blutarsky
a)Happy Days
c)Julius Caesar
d)Animal House
Question 4 of 10:
Barney, the Great Pyrenees figurehead of Sea Dog Brewing Company in Maine got the nickname "Sea Dog" because
a)He rescued his owner from a capsized boat
b)He began sailing at 3 months and was a boating "enthusiast."
c)He was born in Main but was afraid of the ocean.
d)He carried beer onto his owner's sailboat before each trip
Question 5 of 10:
Flying Dog Brewing Company, with a litter of 8 brews named in honor of dogs, is located in
a)Denver, Colorado
b)Manchester, England
c)Milwaukee, Wisconsin
d)Portland, Oregon
Question 6 of 10:
These famous animals are a traditional symbol of Anheuser-Busch
Question 7 of 10:
In August 2004, a bear emerged from the woods at Baker Lake Resort and guzzled 36 cans of this beer
b)Coors Light
d)Pig's Eye Pilsner
Question 8 of 10:
The mascot of Hamm's Beer in 1952 was
b)Bertie the Bunyip
d)An animated Bear
Question 9 of 10:
These animals on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts descend on the beach bars during "happy hour" and steal sips from the patrons' cocktails.
a)Sea Gulls
d)Bar Cats
Question 10 of 10:
Smuttynose Brewing Company in Portsmouth, New Hampshire named Old Brown Dog Ale after their loyal companion. Her name is
Lowenbrau means
a)Stallion Beer
b)Cattle Foot
c)Lion's Brew
d)Eagle Potion
Question 2 of 10:
Alex, the Stroh's Beer Dog of the 1980's, was a
a)Purebred Rotweiler
b)Golden Retreiver & Irish Setter Mix
c)Alaskan Husky & Irish Terrier Mix
d)Bull Terrier
Question 3 of 10:
This movie was famous for toga parties and John Belushi's hilarious performance as Bluto Blutarsky
a)Happy Days
c)Julius Caesar
d)Animal House
Question 4 of 10:
Barney, the Great Pyrenees figurehead of Sea Dog Brewing Company in Maine got the nickname "Sea Dog" because
a)He rescued his owner from a capsized boat
b)He began sailing at 3 months and was a boating "enthusiast."
c)He was born in Main but was afraid of the ocean.
d)He carried beer onto his owner's sailboat before each trip
Question 5 of 10:
Flying Dog Brewing Company, with a litter of 8 brews named in honor of dogs, is located in
a)Denver, Colorado
b)Manchester, England
c)Milwaukee, Wisconsin
d)Portland, Oregon
Question 6 of 10:
These famous animals are a traditional symbol of Anheuser-Busch
Question 7 of 10:
In August 2004, a bear emerged from the woods at Baker Lake Resort and guzzled 36 cans of this beer
b)Coors Light
d)Pig's Eye Pilsner
Question 8 of 10:
The mascot of Hamm's Beer in 1952 was
b)Bertie the Bunyip
d)An animated Bear
Question 9 of 10:
These animals on the Caribbean Island of St. Kitts descend on the beach bars during "happy hour" and steal sips from the patrons' cocktails.
a)Sea Gulls
d)Bar Cats
Question 10 of 10:
Smuttynose Brewing Company in Portsmouth, New Hampshire named Old Brown Dog Ale after their loyal companion. Her name is
Monday, July 02, 2007
day trip report Mallorca

It was a tough job; but I have done my tasting in Spain at the terras of Purobeach ( in Palma de Mallorca.
Also have a look at Also made at Purobeach.
Talking about details !
New Oktoberfest game... Know Your Landmarks !
This new game is intended to refresh your memory of The Fatherland, and begin to get you primed for this year's visit. Each week (except next week), 3 -5 aerial views of Deutschland will be displayed, and you must determine the name of the landmark. The first poster to get all of that week's landmarks correct, will accumulate 3 points. Prior to leaving on this year's trip, the wionner will be announced. I wanted to give the second person 1 point, but all you would need to do is wait for the first person, Duh ! !
Anyway, this week's quiz is decidedly easy. Need to get you "in the groove". So, have it game show contestants. Here are this week's landmarks:
Place #3
Anyway, this week's quiz is decidedly easy. Need to get you "in the groove". So, have it game show contestants. Here are this week's landmarks:
Place #3


Almost every day we abstract, we generalize, we average. When we speak business, it's a target market - not an individual at a particular moment, making a personal decision. When we talk finance, it's average return, trends. Politics, well - you can imagine.
The picture is a small display, twenty or so items, of 287. Items collected over thirty years. Items representing early industrial efforts - research, practical application, and practise.
One of Browning's original pinhole cameras. One of Edison's wax cylinder recordings. A coal miner's kerosene lantern. A Bakelite static generator, a precision scale.
I've been in business almost all of my career. When it comes to these items I am faced with an uncomfortable reality. Average doesn't work, nor generalization or target markets. These items are not particularly valuable, but cannot be dismissed. Each means something and is worth something to someone - but not to me.
Selling them makes sense, but how does one sell 287 unique pieces? How does one describe, even discover, the piece - each one?
I don't have an average family, average cars, normal friends, or live in an average city or country. Everything has specifics; specifics that make them unique, that make them special. Generalizing allows one to cruise through life - handling multiple decisions, numerous items of work, a variety of studies, even casual relationships - without really getting to the intensely intimate details.
The picture is a small display, twenty or so items, of 287. Items collected over thirty years. Items representing early industrial efforts - research, practical application, and practise.
One of Browning's original pinhole cameras. One of Edison's wax cylinder recordings. A coal miner's kerosene lantern. A Bakelite static generator, a precision scale.
I've been in business almost all of my career. When it comes to these items I am faced with an uncomfortable reality. Average doesn't work, nor generalization or target markets. These items are not particularly valuable, but cannot be dismissed. Each means something and is worth something to someone - but not to me.
Selling them makes sense, but how does one sell 287 unique pieces? How does one describe, even discover, the piece - each one?
I don't have an average family, average cars, normal friends, or live in an average city or country. Everything has specifics; specifics that make them unique, that make them special. Generalizing allows one to cruise through life - handling multiple decisions, numerous items of work, a variety of studies, even casual relationships - without really getting to the intensely intimate details.
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